Trog Horns are a drop item from Trogs or can be harvested from Trogs if you have tamed them and they have become your Pets.
Trogs are aggressive and strong creatures that you can find in Canyons on the surface, and they will also spawn on any kind of Canyonstones or on Sandstone during daytime.
Because Trogs can perform a healing attack, Trog Horns are used as ingredients in many healing recipes.
Crafting-recipes that use Trog Horns include:
- Purification Bomb (1)
- Healing Beacon (2)
- Lumite Helmet (2)
- Lumite Armguards (2)
- Lumite Breastplate (2)
- Lumite Leggings (2)
- Lumite Sword (4)
- Lumite Mining Cell (4)
This material cannot be put into your quickbar and cannot be placed into the world. It also cannot be displayed on Wall Shelves, Wood Planters nor Flower Pots (as of R26 in December 2015).