The Studded Golden Wall is a golden colored building-block with chiseled small rhombs on 4 sides and a star-like pattern on 2 sides.
This building block can be rotated in all directions by holding r (as the default key) and moving the left mouse button. The chosen rotation angle can then be "locked" too by simply typing "r", so that all items of the same stack will be placed facing the same direction.
The crafting recipe for this building block can be bought with the "Welcome"-DLC or alternatively with the Welcome Bundle since May 24st 2017, but was given for free before that to Early Access players who have once paid for Creativerse before it went F2P.
It can be crafted in your Crafting Menu (default key "q") after the recipe has been added either when installing the "Welcome" -DLC, buying the Welcome Bundle, or has automatically been added if you were an Early Access player.
Studded Gold Walls (and all other Gold blocks) cannot be found in the game world nor learned by picking up blocks made by other players.
To craft 8 (blocks of) Studded Golden Walls, you'll need:
- 4 Iron Slabs made of Iron Bars in a Processor. Iron Ore can be extracted from Nodes on the Stalactite layer underground, or found in Iron Treasure Chests or in Diamond Treasure Chests
- 1 Yellow Pigment made of Yellow Flowers from Cragwood trees in a Processor or found in Obsidian Treasure Chests
- 2 Globs of Goo crafted from Mold in the Crafting Menu or occasionally looted/pet-harvested from many Creatures
- 1 Obsidian Rod made of Obsidian (bars) in a Processor
You can not only buy the "Welcome DLC" directly in Steam, but also in the ingame Store, named "Welcome Bundle" (found in the "Coins" TAB).
All crafting recipes included in the DLC/Bundle are automatically permanently added to the crafting menu (and already unlocked), and will always be available on all Creativerse gameworlds, even those that have the world option "world bound recipes" enabled.
The DLC/Bundle includes 300 already crafted blocks of Studded Golden Walls together with other items in a kit that can only be claimed once on one gameworld of your choice.
The crafting recipe cannot be learnt any other way than by buying the Welcome Bundle/DLC, and also the block itself cannot be found in any Treasure Chests nor be obtained from any Creatures.