The Stone Roof is a slanted building-block with a whitish brick-pattern that you can use as a roof-tile or for other purposes (it can be rotated).
It can be crafted in your Crafting Menu (default key "Q"), but only after the crafting-recipe has been unlocked by
- crafting a Wood Roof
- crafting or finding blocks of Stacked Stone Wall (for example in Obsidian Treasure Chests)
Crafting or taking blocks of Stone Roofs is one of the unlocking requirements for the crafting recipe of Obsidian Roofs.
To craft 8 (blocks of) Stone Roofs, you'll need (as of R43 in May 2017):
- 1x Melted Wax made of Beeswax in a Forge or looted from Wood Treasure Chests or Stone Treasure Chests
- 1 Wood Rod made of any kind of Wood or Logs in a Processor
- 2 Stone Rods made of Stone, Limestone or Bedrock in a Processor
- 4 Stone Slabs made of Stone, Limestone or Bedrock in a Processor
Since R42 in May 2017, inner and outer corners blocks can be created for Stone Roofs too by putting them into a Processor. No crafting recipes are required for this.