Creativerse Wiki
Creativerse Wiki
Creativerse rescued toys for trade 2017-12-13 21-09-28-49
Creativerse holiday gift Elfi Reinbeaus Reaudolph 2019-01-10 16-53-52-68
Creativerse Elfi rescued toys 2019-01-09 14-32-23-44
Creativerse holiday gift 2018 either toys or trap 2019-01-09 14-01-29-54
Creativerse Reinbeaus 2018-12-26 17-51-15-58
Creativerse toys 2018-12-20 05-08-48-41 reinbeau loot
Creativerse Reaudolph glowing nose 2018-12-21 16-39-47-39
Creativerse toys 2018-12-21 16-41-35-57 Reaudolph loot
Creativerse trog trap small closing 2018-01-11 16-20-15-12
Creativerse holiday gift reward small trap 2018-12-31 00-15-03-29
Creativerse trog trap medium 2017-12-28 17-53-42-99
Creativerse holiday gift reward medium trap 2019-01-02 14-38-08-80
Creativerse trog trap large 2017-12-29 13-33-21-25
Creativerse holiday gift reward large trap 2018-12-31 00-24-23-06
Creativerse coolworm minion spitting frost 2017-12-28 17-55-30-69
Creativerse holiday loot bag trap fight 2017-12-31 21-31-18-76
Creativerse holiday giftbox 2017-12-15 22-53-22-74

Basic Information[]

Rescued Toys are Trade Items. You can give them to Elfis that spawn on blocks of Ice and Snow during the seasonal Christmas Holiday event in Creativerse, in order to receive Christmas-themed items and rare seasonal Recipes.

These Toys can mainly be collected during Christmas event-times, like during Elfi's Wonderland that started on December 19th 2018 and lasted until January 25th 2019; or Elfi's Toy Drive that ran from December 13th 2017 to January 10th 2018.

The background story of the seasonal Christmas Holiday event in Creativerse describes that the Elfis usually deliver Christmas Toys to children. Unfortunately, Troggington, the Abominable Frost Trog, has stolen many of these Toys, and so the Elfis ask the players to return the toys to them during the Christmas event.

In exchange, the Elfis will offer Christmas-themed items and rare seasonal Recipes for trade during the event. If you hovered your mouse-cursor over the small toy bags in Elfi's trade window for "Items" (block icon) and "Recipes" (scroll icon), you could check the amount of Rescued Toys that you currently have with you for trade. Mouse-over did not work in the "Featured" trading window though.

Rescued Toys can also be obtained throughout the year by placing Trog Traps and then looting Reward Holiday Gift Boxes that will appear after Trog Trap Events are successfully completed.

You can either use left-over Small Trog Traps, Medium Trog Traps and Large Trog Traps, or buy these traps via block kits for player-made Blueprints that feature such Traps that you can buy for Coins. Take care to only buy Blueprints with actually placed Trog Traps, not the kind of Blueprints that display Trog Traps on display containers, because in this case, the Trog Traps will merely be "ghost images" and not actual placeable items.

It is advised to store all of your Rescued Toys until the next occasion when Elfis will show up again (most likely in December 2019), so you can then give your Rescued Toys to these NPCs in exchange for winter-themed items and/or recipes.

Rescued Toys cannot be consumed like Pumpkiru Candy. This candy is a Trade Item just like the Toys are, but Candy can be traded for Halloween-themed items and blocks with either The Great Pumpkirus or Pumpkiru Jr.s that will only spawn for ca. one month around Halloween each year. Additionally, Pumpkiru Candy can be fed to tamed Ghost Creatures as their favorite food type when they are pets, while Toys cannot.

How to obtain[]

Rescued Toys can be obtained by:

  • searching for randomly spawning Holiday Gifts on Snow and Ice during day and night as long as the Christmas-event was ongoing, so mainly in cold surface biomes. These colorful gift boxes do not appear anymore after January 25th 2019, but will very likely return in December 2019
  • hunting Reinbeaus and the very rare Reaudolphs that randomly spawn in many biomes during ingame days and nights from December 19th 2018 to January 25th 2019. Reinbeaus and Reaudolphs could only be killed, but not tamed during this event
  • successfully completing Trog Trap Events that can immediately be started by placing Small Trog Traps, Medium Trog Traps and/or Large Trog Traps
  • looting Loot Bags that some Trog Trap event Creatures will rarely drop (most often Troggington's Minions)
  • buying them during the Christmas event Elfi's Wonderland until January 25th 2019 by purchasing any of the 4 Make-a-Wish Donation Bundles that you could buy for real money in the Store (found in the "Coins" TAB) via Steam Wallet. These Bundles contained 4 rare Recipes for Giftwrap Blocks and crafted examples of these blocks. 100% of the revenue from these Bundles went to the Make-A-Wish-Foundation
  • only in 2017, a significant amount of Rescued Toys could be claimed as a content of the 3 reward bundles of Elfi's Community Toy Drive: the Ice Box Bundle, the Merry Music Bundle and/or the Snowball Turret Bundle. In 2017, they were unlocked one tier after another whenever all the active Creativerse players in summary had traded a certain amount of Rescued Toys with the Elfis

Holiday Giftboxes[]

During Elfi's Wonderland 2018, just like during Elfi's Toy Drive in 2017, Holiday Gifts randomly appeared during (ingame) day and night on blocks of Snow and Ice on all Creativerse game worlds and could be looted.

In 2018, these colorful gift boxes could either contain a random amount (1-15) of Rescued Toys or just one Small Trog Trap, plus a few additional Christmas-themed blocks and/or objects.

Reinbeaus and the rare fast Reaudolphs on the other hand appeared in many biomes during the Christmas event, not just snow-covered ones, not only in Mountains. Until January 25th 2019, these Creatures could only be hunted and killed, but not tamed. The Loot Bags of Reinbeaus contained either only just one Small Trog Trap or Rescued Toys together with Christmas-themed blocks and/or objects.

Holiday Giftboxes, Reinbeaus and Reaudolphs stopped spawning after the end of the Christmas event on January 25th 2019.

Trog Trap Events[]

Elfi's Community Toy Drive 2017[]

This part of the Christmas event Elfi's Toy Drive 2017 was not launched again in 2018. Whenever a Creativerse player "paid" an Elfi for Christmas-themed Recipes and/or items with Rescued Toys during the Christmas event in 2017, the game counted these Toys and displayed the rising number on a slider to be found in the bottom right corner on the game main screen and on top of the ingame screen right above the inventory window. As soon as certain milestones were reached by the Creativerse player community, certain reward bundles could then be claimed by all players as long as the Christmas event was ongoing.

After the slider had reached 5,000,000 (5 million toys), the Ice Box Bundle could be claimed by each Creativerse player until the end of the event Elfi's Toy Drive on January 10th 2018 by clicking on the left gift box icon on the slider either on the main game screen or ingame after opening the inventory. After unlocking the reward this way, you could then claim the according item bundle on any Creativerse game world from your inventory and you would receive a one-way storage container that looked like a stack of crates and contained the item rewards (2 crafted Frozen Containers, 100 Rescued Toys and 5 animated Holiday Giftboxes with random Christmas-themed items inside).

After the slider had reached 12,000,000 (12 million toys), the Merry Music Bundle could also be claimed/unlocked until January 10th 2018 by clicking on the gift box icon in the middle of the slider. It included another item bundle as well as one more non-tradeable exclusive Christmas-themed crafting recipe - for the nicely animated Holiday Music Box that plays "Jingle Bells" when activated.

After the slider had reached 25,000,000 (25 million toys) on January 3rd 2018, the Snowball Turret Bundle was unlockable by clicking on the right gift box icon until January 10th 2018. It included 2 non-tradeable Halloween-themed crafting recipes this time: for the Snowball Turret (already crafted ones can be bought from Elfi for Toys) and New Years Fireworks, as well as several more items.

These Community Toy Drive rewards cannot be claimed anymore after January 10th 2018.

How to use Rescued Toys[]

As long as the Christmas event was running (no longer does after January 25th 2019), pointed-ears Elfis randomly spawned in a certain proximity around player characters, each sitting on a pile of presents during day and night on blocks of Snow and Ice, so mainly in cold surface biomes.

Players could find Elfis by following the green Leafi symbol on their compass that popped up whenever an Elfi appeared within a certain distance. By travelling the land especially in cold Biomes like frozen Oceans, Taigas, snow-covered Tundras or Mountains, players could make more Elfis spawn.

Players could "activate" Elfis just like Pumpkirus (the other type of NPC traders in Creativerse), Pets, Storage Chests, Crafting Stations, Doors etc. by pointing their cursor at them, then either clicking their right mouse button or typing "f" (as the default key). Players could then trade in their Rescued Toy for a number of Christmas-themed rare (tradeable) Recipes and/or Christmas-themed items.

Among the many tradeable items you could find the rare Jingle Juice and Blizzard Potions - these two potions can not be crafted, they can only be collected by purchasing them from Elfis for Rescued Toys, just like the non-craftable Marigold Potions and Bat Juice can be purchased from the Pumpkirus for Pumpkiru Candy.

Elfi's offers during Elfi's Wonderland in 2018[]

After "activating" Elfis, you could click on the Star icon for "Featured" goods on top of the shop window (selected by default), where Elfi would offer until January 25th 2019:

When clicking on the scroll icon for "Recipes" in the shop window, Elfi would offer until January 25th 2019:

You could only learn each one of these rare seasonal Recipes from Elfi once, which would consume the according Recipe page or Recipe book. The recipe would then be permanently added to your crafting menu and such become available on all game worlds, even those with the option "world bound recipes" ("fresh start") enabled.

However, you could buy duplicates of these Recipe books as well as of the "featured" Recipe pages and later on give these surplus Recipe books/pages to other players so that they can learn these rare Recipes too. The Recipe books/pages will vanish by that. You cannot share seasonal Recipes via Adventures, you can only hand the Recipe books/pages to other players on the same game world where you have bought these Recipes from an Elfi (since items cannot be transferred to other game worlds). Other players can only "transfer" the knowledge of the Recipes in their crafting menu after learning them and "consuming" the according Recipe books/pages.

When clicking on the cube icon for items on top of the shop window, Elfi would offer you until January 25th 2019:
