Basic Information[]
The Pumpkirus - The Great Pumpkiru and (more rarely) Pumpkiru Jr. - will randomly appear at night on the surface of all Creativerse game worlds during Halloween event-times (for ca. one month).
They are both friendly NPCs capable of speech and trading, they resemble Mirus, but are of unusual orange-red color with green colored parts and violet eyes, and they both wear accessories.
During Pumpkiru's Candy Campaign, Pumpkirus tell players that candy has been stolen from The Great Pumpkiru.
The Pumpkirus will reward the finders of Pumpkiru Candy by trading useful seasonal items, rare recipes and costumes for the sweets when you can find any of the Pumpkirus and talk to them.
Players can collect Pumpkiru Candy by hunting Ghost Creatures during the night and completing Idol Events that require to defeat red ghostly large Creatures that can be summoned by placing Idols (Haunted Idols, Infused Haunted Idols, Unleashed Haunted Idols) that can be obtained during the seasonal Halloween event month.
Health | Unknown. Who would want to kill these useful and polite NPCs? |
Time to Tame: | Pumpkirus do not fall for Taming Collars. They already wear their own stylish accessories around their necks |
Attack(s): | None. Pumpkirus do not fight back when being attacked, nor will they flee |
Location: | All surface biomes during Halloween event-times, only at night. Pumpkiru Jr. appears only rarely though |
General information[]
The Great Pumpkiru was the first cognitive NPC (non-player-character) that was introduced to Creativerse on October 18th 2017 on the live servers, and a month before that on the preview server/s. Pumpkiru Jr. followed shortly after.
Both Pumpkirus are polite and willing to trade with players, however "The Great Pumpkiru" is not as well-spoken as his son, Pumpkiru Jr.
The Great Pumpkiru wears a black Top Hat with elegant stripes, a black bow tie and a golden backpack looking a lot like a treasure chest that has a visible shine in the darkness. Pumpkiru Jr. refers to him as his "father". Other than these accessories, The Great Pumpkiru does not seem to wear any actual clothes.
Pumpkiru Jr. wears a Pumpkiru Candy like a bow tie at his throat and a violet party hat on his head with a spinning black toy bat on its top point. Since Pumpkiru Jr. refers to The Great Pumpkiru as his "father" and is called "junior" himself, it can be reasoned that Pumpkiru Jr. has a male gender identity as well.
Compass indication[]
Similar to when Keepas are near, players are notified by pumpkin-like colored icons appearing on their compass on top of the screen when Great Pumpkirus and/or his son, Pumpkiru Jr., are somewhat close by.
These symbols are located under the compass with a thin green line on the compass itself. If more than one Pumpkiru are close, then several icons can show up, often in different sizes depending on the distance of the Pumpkirus to the player character.
The Great Pumpkiru and his son Pumpkiru Jr. are both indicated by the same symbol that resembles the reddish orange face of The Great Pumpkiru with his top hat and a green circle, either the hatband or perhaps hinting at the thorny vines that serve as straps of the chest that The Great Pumpkiru is wearing on his back.
Different from Keepa Arcstones, Pumpkiru icons are permanently visible as long as Pumpkirus are within a certain proximity. Like the skull icon indicating Death Statues, the Pumpkiru symbol will get larger when the player gets closer to the according Pumpkiru.
Sometimes, when two Pumpkiru icons of (roughly) the same size are shown very close to each other on the compass, this can mean that Pumpkiru Jr. could perhaps be found there together with his father, The Great Pumpkiru, since his Junior very often stays somewhere close to his father.
The Pumpkirus will only appear randomly at night during event-times, especially around the annual Halloween during Pumpkiru's Candy Campaign, like from October 18th 2017 up to November 14th 2017 during the first Pumpkiru's Candy Campaign, also during the second Pumpkiru's Candy Campaign from October 24th 2018 to November 14th 2018 and the third Pumpkiru's Candy Campaign that started on October 17th 2019 and ended on November 19th 2019.
During these times, The Great Pumpkiru and Pumpkiru Jr. will spawn solely at night on solid natural blocks in dark areas on all surface regions of any Creativerse game world, starting a little later than common Night Creatures, around ingame time 10:37 - 10:47 PM.
Since Pumpkirus will spawn as soon as players enter new areas (only on solid blocks, not in liquids), it is recommended to run or fly over the landscape in order to make The Great Pumpkiru and Pumpkiru Jr. spawn eventually.
The Pumpkiru symbol on the compass will be of great help to find them, even though the red color and golden chest of The Great Pumpkiru are pretty well visible in the dark from a distance too. Pumpkiru Jr. is not so well visible though.
However, since they are Night Creatures, both Pumpkirus will burst into blue flames when being hit by sunlight (usually starting around 5:12 AM).
The Great Pumpkiru and Pumpkiru Jr. can be "saved" from burning by pushing them into Caves with your ArcTek Gauntlet or walling them in so that they will prevail even during daytime. However, if all players leave the area, the Pumpkirus will eventually vanish/despawn.
You can still trade with Pumpkirus while they are already burning, but they will quickly perish and vanish, so it is not recommended.
Neither Pumpkiru Jr. nor The Great Pumpkiru can be spawned on Mob Spawners.
On October 17th 2019, the Mysterious Bauble was revealed to be a summoning item that is able to summon The Great Pumpkiru with a cooldown between each activation.
After purchasing a Mysterious Bauble from any of the Pumpkirus during the event, players cannot summon Pumpkiru Jr., but The Great Pumpkiru instead at any time. He will not spawn directly in front of the summoning player character though, but somewhere close by, at (approximately) the same level of altitude. Pumpkirus burn away quickly in sunlight, so it's recommended to only summon them while in a cave or a closed-up room without any translucent blocks/objects in walls or ceilings.
Pumpkirus wander the surface world aimlessly, very slowly and often take breaks or even little naps, but only during event-times like for Pumpkiru's Candy Campaign for one month around Halloween.
The Great Pumpkiru and Pumpkiru Jr. do do not flee from player characters nor do they attack them.
When players attack or hurt them, neither of the Pumpkirus will flee or defend themselves, but die stoically.
During Pumpkiru's Candy Campaign, you can activate the Pumpkirus like any Pet or activatable object by clicking your right mouse-button or pressing "f" (as the default key) while pointing your cursor at a Pumpkiru (either The Great Pumpkiru or Pumpkiru Jr.). When activated during the Halloween event, a window will pop up that allows players to trade with the Pumpkirus.
Pumpkirus can be killed by players, but will never leave any Loot Bags, different from the many Ghost Creatures that appear on the surface of all Creativerse game worlds during the same event-times at night.
The Great Pumpkiru and Pumpkiru Jr. will not fight back nor even budge, but endure being hit with dignity and in the end will vanish in a puff of smoke.
None. Pumpkirus do not "drop" loot any time when being killed by players, not even at a random basis like Ghost Creatures. The Great Pumpkiru and Pumpkiru Jr. also do not have any pet-harvest for you.
Instead of "loot", their wares can be acquired from them only via trading with them. To initiate a trade, players must press their assigned "interact" or activation key ("f" by default or the right mouse button) when looking at a Pumpkiru.
If you talk more often to the same Great Pumpkiru or Pumpkiru Jr., their offers will not change, only their comments might.
Trading with the Pumpkirus[]
Pumpkirus do not just accept any old item - they only ask for Pumpkiru Candy. They claim that these sweets have been stolen from The Great Pumpkiru and both Pumpkirus ask players to return the candy by fighting Ghost Creatures and the aggressive reddish Creatures that can be summoned by placing Idols (Haunted Idols, Infused Haunted Idols and Unleashed Haunted Idols).
However, when players provide The Great Pumpkiru or Pumpkiru Jr. with said candy, both Pumpkirus will simply eat them right away. Even though Pumpkiru Jr. claims that he is helping his father with collecting Pumpkin Candy, he will also eat the candy that players give to him instead too. At least both Pumpkirus will reward players with their wares.
When interacting with The Great Pumpkiru or Pumpkiru Jr., a trade menu will be brought up. The trade menu has a comment from the Pumpkiru next to it, and different TABs with icons on top that you can choose from: "Featured", "Recipes" and "Items". Buying items or receiving them from other players will not unlock their crafting recipes.
Neither the offers nor their price can be changed by players. Both Pumpkirus offer the same wares for the exact same amount of Pumpkiru Candy. Multiple Great Pumpkirus and Pumpkiru Jr.s spawn at night during event-times, but each of them will present the same offers for a fixed price of Pumpkiru Candy.
The Great Pumpkiru and Pumpkiru Jr. cannot be tamed. The Great Pumpkiru is already a quite civilized being, and his son, Pumpkiru Jr. is an even more well-mannered one.
Trading during the Halloween event Pumpkiru's Candy Campaign 2019[]
As said, the Pumpkirus will offer many Halloween-themed rare Recipes, items, seasonal Costumes and even non-craftable collectible potions when "activating" them by clicking your right mouse button or by typing "f" while pointing your cursor at them:
Featured in 2019[]
Some of the offers are account-bound and are supposed to only be purchasable once in the TAB "Featured":
- trade in 1000 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Mysterious Bauble (this can be used in order to summon The Great Pumpkiru.)
- trade in 1000 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Steam Glider Costume skin for your Glider - you can use it if you have bought or after you will buy the Pro DLC
- trade in 555 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Chizzard Head Costume skin that you can wear as a mask by equipping it in your head Costume slot
- trade in 555 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Leafi Head Costume skin that you can wear as a mask by equipping it in your head Costume slot
- trade in 555 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Pigsy Head Costume skin that you can wear as a mask by equipping it in your head Costume slot
- trade in 750 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Ghostly Flashlight Costume skin for your [[Flashlight] - you can use it if you have bought or after you will buy the Pro DLC
- trade in 750 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Jack-o-Lantern Costume skin for your [[Flashlight] - you can use it if you have bought or after you will buy the Pro DLC
Whenever you will buy one of these offers, they will vanish from the Pumpkirus' list of offers.
However, there are also 5 rare Halloween-themed Recipe Pages in the "Favorites" TAB that can be bought more often than once in order to be stored and shared with other players, but can only be learnt once per player/account:
- trade in 222 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe Page for Spooky Benches. Learn this rare Recipe by right-clicking the Recipe Page icon in your inventory or dragging and dropping it with the left mouse button over your character doll on the right side of your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this small chair all year long
- trade in 222 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe Page for Spooky Candles. Learn this rare Recipe by right-clicking the Recipe Page icon in your inventory or dragging and dropping it with the left mouse button over your character doll on the right side of your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this decorative light source all year long
- trade in 222 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe Page for Spooky Cauldrons. Learn this rare Recipe by right-clicking the Recipe Page icon in your inventory or dragging and dropping it with the left mouse button over your character doll on the right side of your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this decorative item all year long
- trade in 222 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe Page for Spooky Pedestals. Learn this rare Recipe by right-clicking the Recipe Page icon in your inventory or dragging and dropping it with the left mouse button over your character doll on the right side of your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this decorative item all year long
- trade in 222 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe Page for Spooky Skulls. Learn this rare Recipe by right-clicking the Recipe Page icon in your inventory or dragging and dropping it with the left mouse button over your character doll on the right side of your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this decorative item all year long
Additionally, you can purchase these new 5 items as already crafted objects in the "Featured" TAB in theoretically infinite amounts (until the end of the Halloween event):
- trade in 50 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Spooky Bench chair. It can be placed and used to sit down. Do not try to place anything right onto the bench please!
- trade in 25 Pumpkiru Candy for 5 Spooky Candles. Place this wireable activatable/deactivatable light source with open flames in order to illuminate the surrounding and prevent Creatures from spawning in its proximity
- trade in 50 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Spooky Cauldron. It is a placeable decorative item, not a Cooking Station. It's no display container, not a light source and not wireable
- trade in 50 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Spooky Pedestal. Different to what the tooltip might suggest, this placeable decorative Pedestal has no inventory to place stuff into
- trade in 50 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Spooky Skull. Different to the Candy Skull Statue, this decorative skull is not wireable and does not give off any light
Rare seasonal Recipes in 2019[]
In the TAB "Recipes", rare tradeable Recipe Books and Recipe Pages for Halloween-themed items can be bought:
- trade in 100 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Candy Skull Banners. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this wireable shiny decorative item all year long
- trade in 200 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Vlad-a-Rangs. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this throwable single-use weapon all year long
- trade in 200 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Scare Flares. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this throwable time-limited single-use light-source all year long
- trade in 200 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Flaming Skulls. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this throwable bomb that sets stuff on fire and transforms certain materials all year long
- trade in 222 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe book for Green Goo Cauldrons. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this placeable decorative item all year long
- trade in 222 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe book for Orange Goo Cauldrons. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this placeable decorative item all year long
- trade in 222 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe book for Purple Goo Cauldrons. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this placeable decorative item all year long
- trade in 100 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Doors. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this door all year long
- trade in 100 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Fireworks. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this placeable wireable single-use item all year long
- trade in 100 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Floors. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this building block all year long
- trade in 100 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Gravestones. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this wireable inscribable sign all year long
- trade in 100 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Lamps. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this wireable light source all year long
- trade in 200 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Blue Candy Skull Candles. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this wireable light source with open flames all year long
- trade in 200 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Red Candy Skull Candles. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this wireable light source with open flames all year long
- trade in 200 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Candy Skull Candles. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this wireable light source with open flames all year long
- trade in 200 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Yellow Candy Skull Candles. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this wireable light source with open flames all year long
- trade in 100 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Pumpkins. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this wireable light source all year long
- trade in 150 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Royal Pumpkin Chests. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this storage container all year long
- trade in 100 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Pumpkin Chests. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this storage container all year long
- trade in 200 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Pumpkiru's King Chests. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this storage container all year long
- trade in 100 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Roofs. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this slanted processable building block all year long
- trade in 100 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Stairs. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this L-shaped processable building block all year long
- trade in 100 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Carpeted Haunted Stairs. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this L-shaped processable building block all year long
- trade in 200 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Candy Skull Statues. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this wireable decorative shiny item all year long
- trade in 100 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Walls. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this building block all year long
- trade in 100 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Stone Walls. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory. Afterwards, you can craft this building block all year long
After learning such Recipes (right-click on the books or pages/scrolls in your inventory or drag them over your player character model on the right side of the inventory) these recipes will be permanently added to your crafting menu and will be available on all game worlds, even on those worlds that have the option "world bound recipes" enabled.
Since these Recipes are actual items (Recipe books and Recipe pages), they can be stored and given to other players to be learnt by them. Please note that event-specific rare Recipes cannot be learnt in Adventures though. Instead you will have to invite players to the game world where you have bought and stored the Recipes in order to give these books and or pages to your fellow players. After they learn the Recipes, the Recipe books/pages will vanish and can't be shared with anyone else another time.
Halloween-themed items in 2019[]
In the TAB "Items", already crafted Halloween-themed items can be bought from the Pumpkirus, however this will not unlock their rare crafting Recipes:
- trade in 25 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 shiny Candy Skull Banner that can be placed for decoration and wired
- trade in 50 Pumpkiru Candy for 15 Vlad-a-Rangs that can be thrown like shurikens in order to deal damage (and will be consumed)
- trade in 25 Pumpkiru Candy for 5 Scare Flares that can be thrown to illuminate the area for a while (and will be consumed)
- trade in 50 Pumpkiru Candy for 15 Flaming Skulls that can be thrown for the same effects as Fire Bombs, they can set flammable materials on fire (and will be consumed like other Explosives.
- trade in 15 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Haunted Door that can be placed, opened/closed, locked and wired
- trade in 25 Pumpkiru Candy for 10 Haunted Fireworks that can be placed, wired and displayed (single-use)
- trade in 20 Pumpkiru Candy for 5 Haunted Floors that can be placed for building purposes
- trade in 15 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Haunted Gravestone that can be placed, wired and inscribed like a stone sign board
- trade in 15 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Haunted Lamp that is a luminaria that can be placed and wired
- trade in 25 Pumpkiru Candy for 5 Blue Candy Skull Candles that are wireable luminaires with open flames
- trade in 25 Pumpkiru Candy for 5 Red Candy Skull Candles that are wireable luminaires with open flames
- trade in 25 Pumpkiru Candy for 5 Candy Skull Candles that are wireable luminaires with open flames
- trade in 25 Pumpkiru Candy for 5 Yellow Candy Skull Candles that are wireable luminaires with open flames
- trade in 50 Pumpkiru Candy for 5x Bat Juice that cannot be crafted
- trade in 50 Pumpkiru Candy for 5 Marigold Potions that cannot be crafted
- trade in 15 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Haunted Pumpkin that is a wireable luminaria
- trade in 50 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Royal Pumpkin Chest that is a storage chest with 45 slots
- trade in 25 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Pumpkin Chest that is a storage chest with 45 slots
- trade in 75 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Pumpkiru's King Chest that is a storage chest with 60 slots (as many as the Grand Arctek Chest offers)
- trade in 5 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 Haunted Roof that can be placed and processed into inner and outer corners
- trade in 5 Pumpkiru Candy for 1x Haunted Stairs that can be placed and processed into inner and outer corners
- trade in 5 Pumpkiru Candy for 1x Carpeted Haunted Stairs that can be placed and processed into inner and outer corners
- trade in 25 Pumpkiru Candy for 1 shiny Candy Skull Statue that can be placed for decoration and wired
- trade in 20 Pumpkiru Candy for 5 Haunted Walls that can be placed for building purposes
- trade in 20 Pumpkiru Candy for 5 Haunted Stone Walls that can be placed for building purposes
Trading during Halloween 2018[]
Some offers could only be bought once from Pumpkirus in the TAB "Featured":
- 1000 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Mysterious Bauble (it was a secret item in 2018 that revealed its use in October 2019. It could be bought only once and then stored.)
- 1000 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Steam Glider Costume skin for your Glider - you can use it if you have bought or after you will buy the Pro DLC
- 555 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Chizzard Head Costume skin that you can wear as a mask by equipping it in your head Costume slot
- 555 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Leafi Head Costume skin that you can wear as a mask by equipping it in your head Costume slot
- 555 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Pigsy Head Costume skin that you can wear as a mask by equipping it in your head Costume slot
- 750 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Ghostly Flashlight Costume skin for your [[Flashlight] - you can use it if you have bought or after you will buy the Pro DLC
- 750 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Jack-o-Lantern Costume skin for your [[Flashlight] - you can use it if you have bought or after you will buy the Pro DLC
Whenever players would buy one of these offers, they would vanish from the Pumpkirus' list of offers for these players (Steam account-bound).
However, there were also 3 rare Halloween-themed Recipe book in the "Favorites" TAB that could be bought more often than once (but could only be learnt once per account):
- 222 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe book for Green Goo Cauldrons. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking it in your inventory or dragging and dropping it with the left mouse button over your character doll on the right side of your inventory
- 222 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe book for Orange Goo Cauldrons. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking it in your inventory or dragging and dropping it with the left mouse button over your character doll on the right side of your inventory
- 222 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe book for Purple Goo Cauldrons. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking it in your inventory or dragging and dropping it with the left mouse button over your character doll on the right side of your inventory
In the TAB "Recipes", rare tradeable Recipes for Halloween-themed items could be bought:
- 100 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Candy Skull Banners. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 200 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Vlad-a-Rangs. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 200 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Scare Flares. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 200 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Flaming Skulls. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 100 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Doors. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 100 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Fireworks. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 100 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Floors. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 100 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Gravestones. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 100 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Lamps. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 200 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Blue Candy Skull Candles. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 200 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Red Candy Skull Candles. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 200 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Candy Skull Candles. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 200 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Yellow Candy Skull Candles. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 100 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Pumpkins. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 150 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Royal Pumpkin Chests. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 100 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Pumpkin Chests. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 200 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Pumpkiru's King Chests. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 100 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Roofs. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 100 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Stairs. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 100 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Carpeted Haunted Stairs. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 200 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Candy Skull Statues. Learn this rare Recipe book by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 100 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Walls. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
- 100 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 rare Recipe for Haunted Stone Walls. Learn this rare Recipe page by right-clicking on its icon in your inventory
Since these Recipes are actual items (Recipe books and Recipe pages), they could be bought more than once, the surplus ones could be stored and given to other players to be learnt by them. Please note that event-specific rare Recipes cannot be learnt in Adventures, instead you will have to invite players to the game world where you have bought and stored the Recipes in order to give these books and or pages to your fellow players. After they learn the Recipes, the Recipe books/pages will vanish and can't be shared with someone else.
After learning such Recipes (right-click on the books or pages/scrolls in your inventory or drag them over your player character model on the right side of the inventory) these recipes will be permanently added to your crafting menu and will be available on all game worlds, even on those that have the option "world bound recipes" enabled.
In the TAB "Items", already crafted Halloween-themed items could be bought, however this would not unlock their crafting recipes:
- 25 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Candy Skull Banner that can be colored and placed for decoration
- 50 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 15 Vlad-a-Rangs that can be thrown like shurikens in order to deal damage
- 25 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 5 Scare Flares that can be thrown to illuminate the area for a while
- 50 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 15 Flaming Skulls that can be thrown for the same effects as Fire Bombs
- 15 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Haunted Door that can be placed, locked and wired
- 25 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 10 Haunted Fireworks that can be placed, wired and displayed
- 20 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 5 Haunted Floors that can be placed for building purposes
- 15 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Haunted Gravestone that can be placed and inscribed like a sign
- 15 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Haunted Lamp that is a luminaria that can be placed and wired
- 25 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 5 Blue Candy Skull Candles that are luminaires
- 25 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 5 Red Candy Skull Candles that are luminaires
- 25 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 5 Candy Skull Candles that are luminaires
- 25 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 5 Yellow Candy Skull Candles that are luminaires
- 25 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 5x Bat Juice that cannot be crafted
- 25 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 5 Marigold Potions that cannot be crafted
- 15 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Haunted Pumpkin that is a luminaria
- 50 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Royal Pumpkin Chest that is a storage chest with 45 slots
- 25 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Pumpkin Chest that is a storage chest with 45 slots
- 75 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Pumpkiru's King Chest that is a storage chest with 60 slots
- 5 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Haunted Roof that can be placed and processed into corners
- 5 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1x Haunted Stairs that can be placed and processed into corners
- 5 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1x Carpeted Haunted Stairs that can be placed and processed
- 25 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 1 Candy Skull Statue that can be colored and placed for decoration
- 20 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 5 Haunted Walls that can be placed for building purposes
- 20 Pumpkiru Candy could be traded for 5 Haunted Stone Walls that can be placed for building purposes
Pumpkirus' Treasure Chests 2017[]
During the first Pumpkiru's Candy Campaign from October 18th 2017 up to November 14th 2017, The Great Pumpkiru and Pumpkiru Jr. offered Treasure Chests with a random selection of different items and recipes in random amounts:
Pumpkin Treasure chests[]
Any Pumpkin Treasure (low tier chests bought with 20 candy) would mainly contain already crafted Haunted Nights blocks and objects that were already introduced in 2016, often together with some of the new bombs (Scare Flares and/or Flaming Skulls), Haunted Fireworks and/or (more rarely) non-craftable Marigold Potions, but no crafting recipes at all.
Royal Pumpkin Treasure chests[]
Royal Pumpkin Treasures (medium tier chests bought with 50 candy) would only have a "chance" of containing crafting recipes (so they often will not), but would still provide players with already crafted rare Halloween-themed items like Vlad-a-Rangs, Scare Flares, Flaming Skulls, Haunted Fireworks, bottles of Bat Juice, Marigold Potions, Candy Skull Banners, Candy Skull Statues, Candy Skull Candles, Red Candy Skull Candles, Blue Candy Skull Candles and/or Yellow Candy Skull Candles. Please note that Bat Juice and Marigold Potions could and still cannot be crafted.
Pumpkiru's King Treasure chests[]
Pumpkiru's King Treasure (highest tier chests bought with 100 candy) would contain the same type of items that the Royal Pumpkin Treasure chests provide, but one guaranteed rare crafting Recipe for a random Halloween-themed item.
After learning such recipes (by right-clicking on them in the inventory or dragging them over the player character model on the right side of the inventory) these Recipes would be permanently added to your crafting menu and would be available on all game worlds, even on those that have the option "world bound recipes" enabled.
To receive the content of the chests that players had obtained from The Great Pumpkiru and Pumpkiru Jr. (or from unlocked reward bundles from the Pumpkiru's Community Candy Campaign), they had to place the Pumpkin Treasures, Royal Pumpkin Treasures and/or Pumpkiru's King Treasures from their quickbar into the game world. Different from storage containers, these chests would then automatically open after displaying a special animation.
Players could right-click on these chests or activate them (by typing "f" as the default key) while pointing your cursor at them even without waiting for the animation to finish if in a hurry.
For additional effects, players could open these chests close to wild yellow Pigsies, but also other Creatures like all peaceful surface Leafies (including Autumn Leafies, Dried Leafies and Mossy Leafies) would react like they were being charmed by these chests when they were opened somewhere close to them.
- The Great Pumpkiru seems to be a rather friendly and somehow literate Miru, while all other Mirus in Creativerse are animal-like Creatures that seemingly cannot talk, and most of them are highly aggressive towards player characters
- Even though more than only one "The Great Pumpkiru" can be seen not far from each other at the same time on the game world occasionally, the event information and his name suggest that he is a single entity
- Pumpkiru Jr. is the first "young" Miru appearing in Creativerse