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Creativerse player permissions not own world 2017-05-11 15-01-33-44
Creativerse permissions world 2019-05-17 07-31-56-215
Creativerse permission settings claim 2019-01-04 05-15-56-00

See also: Admin Controls for information of setting permissions


To manage ranks through the MENU once you are logged into the game, press the Esc key on your keyboard.

Permission ranks define what players are allowed to do on a game-world and/or on player claims located on that world. This section will introduce you to the language of the game and some basic limits related to common permissions. Greater details about ranks are provided in sections below.

When you create a new world, you are the World Owner. The owner of a game-world can do anything that is possible in Creativerse. On game-worlds owned by other players and/or on player claims owned by others, you may have fewer options depending on the permission rank settings.

  • World ranks have five levels of access: World Owner, Admin, Mod, Builder or Visitor
  • A claim is a reserved space on any world that prevents random building and interaction. Ranks set on claims apply only to that location and they include: Claim Owner, Admin, Builder, Interacting, Visitor
Common Ranks:
  • Visitor is the lowest rank of all and the default setting. Worlds with the option Visitors Only enabled will automatically set all new players that enter the world from that point on to Visitor rank. Visitors cannot dig, pick up stuff or place any placeable stuff
  • Builder is a rank with more permissions than Visitor.
  • If game worlds have the option Visitors Only disabled, the default rank for all players is Builder. This allows Builders to dig and place items. Objects with permission options that you place will automatically have Builder permission by default, unless this setting is changed.
  • The claim option, Claim Interact Only, allows everyone (including visitors) to access the item, but not to pick up and take it. This setting is usually used for storage chests in order to exchange items and crafting stations

To see what your permission rank is on a world, type /permissions in the chat and confirm with Enter/Return. You have visitor rights on red claims, builder rights (or interact) on yellow claims and full rights on blue claims

Claim rights override world rights[]

Claim permission ranks will always override game-world permission ranks.

Often you will have builder rights when entering a public world, but as soon as you walk into a player claim, you might only have visitor rights there, which means that you cannot harvest nor place anything on these areas that other players own.

This also means that you can let players build freely on your game world by setting everyone to "builder" by default, but you as a world owner can still protect your own claims (with your base on them) from being changed in any way (or robbed) by setting everyone on your claims to either visitor or interact only.

Please note that world admins have special rights, since admins are supposed to moderate your game world in your absence. They can even access chests (and all objects that can be filled, like teleporters and display containers) on the world owner's claims that are set to "just me" by the world owners. World admins still cannot remove those chests or any other items. When looking into the "history" (magnifier icon) of chests/containers, you can review a log of who has removed stuff from them or has put anything into them.

You can also use advanced options to protect your claims by disabling the use of explosives, fire spreading and/or corruption spreading, while you can allow for this to happen on your game world outside of your claims.

After you have claimed land on a game-world (even on your own), you can manage each claim separately.

So even if you set everyone to visitor on your claim, you can allow them to interact with stuff on your claims by setting the options for objects to "Claim Interacts", and you can grant your friends higher permission ranks there.

Since claim permissions override world permissions, you can create PvP-arenas by claiming areas and enabling PvP there, while it's disabled on the rest of the game world.

The other way round, you can enable PvP on claims even if the game world prohibits players from using PvP. In PvP, players can hurt and kill other player characters with melee Weapons and Explosives, and they can also loot the Death Statues that other players drop in areas where PvP is enabled.

Depending on the combat difficulty on a game world, Death Statues can contain different things. Usually, they will contain everything that the player had in their inventory/bag when (temporarily) dying - this is the standard "medium" combat difficulty setting. When combat difficulty is set to "hard", then players will additionally drop their equipment and everything from their quickbar into the Death Statue too upon player character death. With "easy" combat difficulty setting on a game world, player characters will not lose anything when dying, and no Death Statue will be dropped at all.

Set everyone to "Visitor" by default[]

F2P players get one game-world of their own, but cannot create more worlds than their one free world. Still they can moderate this one game-world of their own with all the rights and options available. If they want to play solo on their game-world, they should provide it with a password. Alternatively they can leave their game-world without a password and declare it to be a "public world" in the world options.

Players who bought the "Pro"-DLC can own up to 12-15 game-worlds moderated by them. So "Pro" players can make only some of their game-worlds public or can create additional public worlds - and activate the "public world" option for these worlds immediately when creating them (or else later on if they so wish to).

To protect your game-world/s in any case, no matter if public or not (maybe from relatives of your friends who might use their computers without their permission, or from players who might be able to guess the password, or from anyone new who tries out newly created public worlds if you made your game-world public) you can activate the basic free world option "Default to Visitor".

With this world modificator activated, every new player joining the gameworld will be set to "visitor" as their permission-level by default. This will reduce the possibility of actions they can take and such protect your world.

Players with visitor ranking cannot harvest or mine any blocks or plants (including Crops), cannot hurt other players with a Sword (even if PvP is enabled), cannot fight/hurt nor tame Creatures, cannot place anything into the world (including their own Touchstone, TNT type Explosives and Excavators) and cannot wash Pets.

If you do not activate this option, then new players will automatically all have "builder" permission rank. You as the world owner will continue to have all the available rights and access on your own game-world/s.

No matter the starting permission level of players, you can always provide another permission rank to each player individually on your own game-world/s.

You can also claim land (mainly on public gameworlds and gameworlds of other players, but also even on your own gameworlds) to protect your base with specific permission settings that will override all game-world settings.

Know your own permission rank[]

If you enter a public world, you might find yourself to be a visitor there yourself at first (until you'll prove to be trustworthy to the game-world's owner so that s/he will promote you to a higher permission rank).

In this case - as a visitor - your Touchstone will have a red prohibition sign (circle-backslash symbol) over it and as soon as you look at any block of the ground or anything else, a red frame will be displayed over it. As soon as you try to pull anything with your gauntlet (hold the left mouse button by default) that is usually harvestable, you'll be notified with a message window that your permission rank is too low to take up anything.

To check your permission rank for a game-world type "/permissions" into the chat (and type "Enter").

If you are currently on a player claim though, then your claim permission ranks might be what makes you a "visitor" (which is very often the case). You can easily see that you're on a claim when a flag (of either red, yellow or blue color depending on your permission rights) is displayed in the top right corner, together with the name of the claim owner.

On your Map you can see colorful squares in red, yellow and perhaps blue. These are all player claims, and the colors indicate your permission rights that you will have in these areas.

Red means you will have "visitor" rights on this/these claim/s, yellow indicates higher permission ranks from "builder" over "mod" to "admin", and blue is always the color of your own player claim/s as soon as you have claimed land on a game-world. As a irregularity, the color of the flag might be different - for example it turns blue if you have been granted claim admin rights, while the claim color itself will be yellow.

Visitors on game-worlds and/or player claims[]

All players with a "Visitor" permission rank on a game-world and/or player claim:

  • CANNOT pull/harvest or mine any blocks nor plants in this world and/or on this claimed land
  • CANNOT hurt other players with a sword, even if PvP is enabled on this game-world, and no matter how it looks like animation-wise
  • but nonetheless can be hurt by other players if PvP is enabled
  • CANNOT hurt any Creatures (no matter what it looks like)
  • but nonetheless can be attacked and killed by aggressive Creatures
  • CANNOT place anything into the world (including their own Touchstone, TNTs and Excavators)
  • CANNOT tame any Creatures
  • CANNOT wash any Pets (not even those set to "Everyone")
  • CANNOT harvest Crops
  • can go exploring on the world
  • can push wild Creatures with their gauntlet (which can make Creatures aggressive, except for worlds where the "Pro" world setting "Peaceful Creatures" is enabled)
  • can walk into all Teleporters from other players and will be teleported to their destination
  • can teleport to all Touchstones that allow players to teleport to this touchstone (can be changed by right-clicking your touchstone that has been placed in the world)
  • can take stuff from randomly spawning Treasure Chests everywhere in the game-world on all claims
  • can take stuff from Loot Bags from creatures that have been killed by explosives or other players
  • can take stuff from player bags that other players can drop from their inventory
  • can drop player bags themselves with stuff from their inventory inside
  • can open/close doors that are set to "can interact" (by default. To change this, use a Wiring Tool)
  • can climb ladders that have been placed by other players
  • can use all chairs that have been placed by other players
  • can use all beds to heal - and can even change the time to morning or night by that
  • can throw throwables like Rimecones and throwable bombs (Stun Bombs, Explosive Bombs, Fire Bombs, Freeze Bombs, Corrupt Bombs etc.) at Creatures (if they can somehow get their hands on such bombs), players and the game world
    • which can then harm and kill Creatures
    • which can also harm player characters in worlds where PvP is enabled (can only be disabled in the world settings by a world owner who has bought the "Pro" DLC)
    • and which can even affect the environment if the specific spreading/sim options on player claims or game worlds are enabled: Corrupt Bombs can corrupt corruptible blocks like Grass, Dirt, Leaves or Stone, Fire Bombs can set flammable blocks/material on fire, Freeze Bombs can freeze Water and other liquids) on gameworlds where Explosives are enabled (however you can disable this in the Basic world settings, even as a F2P player)
  • can set off TNT placed by players that have a higher permission rank, and by that can destroy the environment, harm Creatures and harm players (even if PvP is disabled)
  • can be harmed by TNT that is set off by players with higher permission rank (even if PvP is disabled)
  • can be harmed by Explosive Bombs and the like as long as PvP is enabled. Cannot be harmed by swords nor Bombs when PvP is disabled ("Pro" world setting), but can be pushed by bombs
  • can interact/use (turn off/on, open/close, fill) any lamp, device, machine and interactable object that is set to "Everyone" in their permission setting (Padlock symbol in the top right corner of the according Window of the oject) or has the option "can interact" enabled (for example Fans)
    • so visitors can change Teleporter-codes of Teleporters that are set to "Everyone"
    • can interact with storage containers (can take everything out of storage chests and also place anything into containers) that are set to "Everyone"
    • can interact with crafting stations that are set to "Everyone" (again they can take everything that's in these stations and can put materials into them to process them, that they can then take out)
    • can push, can feed and can also harvest from Pets that are set to "Everyone"
    • can dismiss (!) Pets set to "Everyone" (which will let these Pets drop Loot Bags and disappear)

Claim interacts[]

On Claims, Players can be set to "Interact only" either by default (in the "Advanced Options") or individually by clicking the button "Manage Players" after clicking on your own claim on the Map.

Players with the permission rank of "Interact only" can do everything that Visitors can, but can additionally access storage containers, crafting stations and other activatable objects that are set to "Interacts Only" in their permission settings (padlock symbol). However, they cannot pick this containers or objects up and such they can't take them away.

World Builders, Claim Builders[]

Players who have been promoted by owners of game-worlds to the permission rank "World Builder" or by owners of player claims to "Claim Builder" can

  • do everything that Visitors can on this game-world and/or player claim
  • can additionally to that fight, kill and loot Creatures there,
  • can harvest and mine on this game-world and/or player claim,
  • can also place any kind of blocks and objects on this game-world and/or player claim,
  • can place TNT-type Explosives and Excavators, which will affect the environment on all worlds/claims where Explosives are enabled
  • can interact with every Crafting Station, Teleporter-code (!), Storage container, Machine (including luminaires) and Pet that are either set to "Everyone" or to "(World) Builders" on the according game-world and/or player claim/s
  • please note that Fire Bombs and Flaming Skulls will not set anything on fire if the world or claim option "fire spread" is disabled (claim options override world options)
  • also note that Corrupt Bombs will not corrupt any corruptible blocks if the world or claim option "corruption spread" is disabled (claim options override world options)

World Mods (Moderators)[]

Players who have been promoted by owners of game-worlds to the permission rank "World Mod" can do everything that "Builders" can, additionally to that they can also mute and "kick" troublesome players on the whole game-world. No, "mods" does not mean that these players could use any "modding" options.

World Admins and Claim Admins[]

Players who have been promoted by owners of game-worlds to the permission rank "World Admin" or by the owners of claims to "Claim Admin" can do everything that "World Mods" can on the game-world and/or according player-claims; additionally to that they can ban or promote other players with lower permission ranks and can remove touchstones of players. Banned players can be unbanned later on too.

Often players are banned so that their claims can be unclaimed - usually claims that the world owner/admins did not allow them to put on that specific piece of land.

Please note that world admins can even open/access storage chests and items of the world owner that have been set to "just me". World mods cannot even do that though. Still, world admins cannot remove those chests.

World Owners[]

You as the owner of your game-world/s can do everything that World Admins can, and additionally to that you can ban everyone from your world, including admins & mods.

Only world owners can change game world options.

Only world owners who have bought the Pro DLC can change the Creative Mode options for the whole game. These options also define the minimum player permission rank that players need to have to enable Creator Mode on the game world. Moreover, "Pro" world owners can allow or prohibit players from using Creator Mode individually too, no matter the "usual" permission rank of these players. After Creator Mode was enabled for players, they can then enable and disable this Mode at will on this game world, independently from the world owner and even if the world owner is offline.

Please note that Creator Mode does not enable even world owners to alter anything on the claims of other players. After banning a player who has misbehaved, you can then unclaim their claims though.

Promote/demote players to other permission ranks on your game-world/s[]

You can change permission ranks for all players on your game-world (also for inactive and offline players) individually anytime.

To change permissions for a player, type "Esc" and click on the button "Players" that will appear next to "Edit World" if anyone except you has ever entered this gameworld.

Anyone on the game world can click this button for informational purposes, but only world owners, world admins and world mods can change player permission settings (however only of players with a lower permission rank, meaning nobody can ever ban, mute or demote the world owner).

As mentioned, to change permission ranks, as a mod, admin or world owner, simply type "ESC" and click on the button "players", then click on the name of the player you want to promote to a higher rank (or demote if they didn't behave well).

Even if the world options set everyone to "builders", players can individually chose to protect their own claims by setting everyone who enters their claim/s to "visitor", so that other players cannot damage their buildings nor take their stuff on these areas. Even world owners are not allowed to take stuff away from these claims or dig their way through walls.

However, players of higher ranks can still access storage containers of any kind (including display containers and teleporters), as long as they can reach them. They cannot remove the storage containers, so you can check the "history" of the containers (magnifier icon in the top right corner when opening/activating the containers) to see who took anything from them or placed anything from them. If you as a player build a closed building with doors protected by number pads and a secret number code, your stuff should be safe though.

Still, the owner of a game-world can ban players and then unclaim the land that these players had claimed.

Permission settings for player claims[]

On your own player claim(s), you can define your own permission rankings for players and you also can

  • disable the use of all TNT type Explosives & Excavators, which would otherwise be able to destroy natural blocks plus even crafted blocks and objects
  • disable the spreading of fire and by that will prevent flammable blocks and materials from catching fire (like from torches, campfires, liquid Lava or even Fire Bombs and Flaming Skulls that will have no effect there)
  • disable the spreading of corruption and generally will prevent corruptable blocks from being corrupted by the use of Corrupt Bombs
  • either enable or disable PvP (even as a F2P player, as long as it's on their player claims)
  • and you can set permisions ranks on each of your claims for ALL players by default and additionally individually too. You can only change the claim permission rank of players who have already been on this game world at least once

To set all players to a certain permission rank by default, click on any of your Claims on the Map. Then click on the middle icon "Settings", on "Advanced Options" and then on the drop-down menu (arrow) next to "Default Player Permission".

To define player permissions individually, click on the "Players" icon on your claim on the Map (instead of the "settings" icon). You can select individual players there (and use the "search" array to find them quickly), then you can define their permission rank on the right side with the drop-down menu (red arrow).

As mentioned, claim settings will "override" the world settings, however of course only on your claimed land.

Please make sure to set the options that you prefer for each of your claims, as they can be managed individually and not "in total".

You can easily see what permission rank you have currently been provided on the claims of other player by checking the color of their claims on the map (which is also the colors of their claim borders if you have chosen to see these visibly in 3D in the world in the graphic options).

Red color indicates that on these claims you only have "visitor" rights, yellow claims have provided you with "builder" rights or higher, and blue claims are you own claims that you can control. By clicking on the claims of other players on the map and choosing the according icon, you can request to be granted a higher permission rank, for example to help them with building.

If players who are explicitly given admin rights on a claim change permission settings on a claim, these changes are then persist - including setting the claim permission to "default to admin". However, players that become admins on a claim due to a "default to admin" setting on that claim cannot permanently change permissions of this claim (like setting the claim back to "default to visitor") - their changes will only last as long as the "default to admin" players are online, and will get reset (in this case to "default to admin" again) as soon as they leave the game world (log out).

Permission settings for interactable objects[]

Storage chests, other storage containers, Crafting Stations and many interactable objects allow you to set them to an individual permission rank as their owner. It's different for all wirable objects though (see below)!

As soon as you place such an object, you are it's owner and most objects will automatically be set to "Builders" (since R44) as their default permission setting as soon as the objects have been placed. To adjust permissions settings, interact with it (either by right-clicking or hitting 'f' as the default key) and click the padlock icon in the top right. Only players with this or a higher permission rank can then interact with the object then - or pick it up...

Using the padlock will bring up a menu with five permissions settings, one of which you can choose:

On player claims, the options will be: "Just Me", "Claim Admins", "Claim Builders", "Claim Interact Only" and "Everyone" - the last one includes Claim Visitors

On game-worlds, the options will be: "Just Me", "World Owners / Admins", "World Mods", "Builders" and "Everyone" - the last one includes Visitors on the game-world

The different permissions levels are pretty self-explanatory, but please note that no matter the setting, world owners and admins will always have access to interactable items of all players on this game-world in any case!

Locking wirable objects[]

Wirable objects like all Doors, Gates, trap doors, lamps, beacons, activation devices (sensors, switches, levers, pressure plates, number pads), fans and machines (loot spawners, mob spawners, block phasers etc.) can also be set to certain permission rankings, however this does not always work intiutively.

Even though these objects are by default set to "builders" when placed, their interactivity is a different matter. Because - as mentioned above - even visitors can open/close doors, so you cannot simply use the padlock symbol to define who will be allowed to open/close doors. This goes for many other wirable objects too. To prevent other players from interacting with these objects, to switch on/off lamps, fans etc., they can only be locked by a specific "can interact" option.

To change this option, it is necessary to equip a Wiring Tool and instead of using the right mouse button, type "n" as the default key while looking at the object (preferrably on their Receive Hotspot or Send Hotspot).

If the "can interact" option is disabled (when the check mark on the dot next to it is removed), the object will be locked - however even you will not be able to interact with this object then, except by using a Wiring Tool as a "key" or by wiring an activation device (Sensor, Switch, Pressure Plate, Number Pad) to it that you can then use.

In general, the safest option to lock a door (to your base for example) or another wirable device, you should wire it to a Number Comparison Gate and connect this gate to a Number Pad. Now set your Number Comparison Gate to a "value" of a specific (code)number and choose the "=" operation. Remember to disable the "can interact" option of your door. Keep this number in mind and share it only with trustworthy players.

Touchstone Settings[]

Your Touchstone will always allow you to teleport to it. However it can also either allow other players to teleport to it (by default!) or not. No specific permission settings can be applied to the touchstone. Only world owners and admins can remove touchstones of other players on their gameworlds.

Right-click or press "f" (as the default key) to interact with your touchstone. Deselect the "Allow other players to travel here" option and your touchstone will only be available to you. If you temporarily want to invite other playes, don't forget to change your touchstone accessibility back afterwards.

And/or you can also place your touchstone right outside of your base (that has to be unaccessible from all sides, from the air and ground as well) on your claim (a very important protection so others cannot simply dig through the walls of your base), and watch griefers standing outside on your touchstone staring at your locked door and wondering which 7-digit number you might have set as a code to open it.

Teleporter Codes[]

Teleporters have three ID slots ("This portal's code") to allow for a huge variety of unique identifiers.  

The more unique the upper code ("This Portal"), the less likely anyone is to also use it for their own teleporters and such get teleported right into your base. A teleporter with an ID of three blocks of stone is pretty likely to be accessed, even by accident. But a teleporter coded with a spare rare recipe, a journal note and a store-bought block is pretty much immune to being guessed. 

While all players can use teleporters to be transported to the set destination teleporter, only players with the correct permission rank can change teleporter-codes and/or take your teleporters. Set your teleporters to higher permission levels by clicking on the padlock symbol in the top right corner after interacting with your teleporter.
