The Octagon Diamond Wall is a solid, non-transparent shiny bright blue building-block with a chiselled line dividing the block in half in the middle on 4 sides and with a spider-web-like octagonal chiselled pattern on 2 sides.
This building block can be rotated in all directions by holding r (as the default key) and moving the left mouse button. The chosen rotation angle can then be "locked" too by simply typing "r", so that all items of the same stack will be placed facing the same direction.
The block can be crafted in your Crafting Menu (default key "q") after the according crafting recipe has been unlocked upon buying it in the Store as a part of the "Carved Diamond Bundle". You cannot obtain the crafting recipe in any other way.
To craft 8 (blocks of) Octagon Diamond Walls, you'll need:
- 2 Diamond Slabs made of Diamond (bars) in a Processor
- 1 Glob of Goo crafted from Mold in the Crafting Menu or occasionally looted/pet-harvested from many Creatures
- 1 Diamond Rod made of Diamond (bars) in a Processor
The "Carved Diamond Bundle" itself also includes 100 already crafted blocks of Octagon Diamond Walls additionally to the crafting recipe. These blocks can be claimed on one game world of your choice once.
Please note that you can only pay in the Store with Coins that can be purchased via Steam Wallet (also via Store). All crafting recipes bought in the Store are automatically permanently added to the crafting menu (and already unlocked), and will always be available on all Creativerse game worlds, even those that have the world option "world bound recipes" ("fresh start") enabled.