Basic Information[]
Playful is donating a portion of revenue (and 100% of all Make-a-Wish Donation Bundles sales) from Elfi's Wonderland Creativerse Christmas event 2018 to charity for The Make-a-Wish Foundation .
The event Elfi's Wonderland has started on December 19th 2018 with update R58 and will last ca. 3 to 4 weeks - the exact date of the event ending will be announced by Playful a few days in advance.
The more players will buy ingame Donation Bundles and/or donate directly to Playful's Make-a-Wish Donation Campaign page https://t.co/aJJtpmFjgz, the more children who have been diagnosed with critical illnesses will be granted their wishes by the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
How to donate[]
In order to donate money for this cause, you can either purchase one of the Make-a-Wish Donation Bundles (bronze, silver, gold or platinum) in the Store of Creativerse direcly for money via Steam Wallet (not to be paid with ingame Coins), or you can donate directly via this fundraising webpage: https://t.co/aJJtpmFjgz.
If you buy a Donation Bundle in the Store, you will receive a bunch of crafted Christmas-themed blocks and items as a thank-you, as well as rare seasonal Recipes for 4 giftwrap blocks, with some to a lot of Rescued Toys on top of that.
If you don't want to use Steam wallet or if you prefer different payment options (Credit Card & PayPal), you can donate per e-mail to Make-a-Wish North Texas via https://t.co/aJJtpmFjgz.
Paying directly to the webpage will not gain you any Creativerse items and recipes. Instead, you can make it into the honor roll list and like all Creativerse players, you too will of course also be able to claim all the unlocked Make-a-wish bundles (all 3 tiers have already been unlocked since January 2nd 2019) for free in the Store.
The goal of this fund raising was 10,000 US$, segmented in 3 tiers or "milestones". Whenever one more tier/milestone of the goal was reached, the according gift bundle was unlocked and became claimable for free in the Store of Creativerse by all players, no matter if "Pro" or F2P.
The donation page https://t.co/aJJtpmFjgz only lists donations that were directly sent there, while the actual state of the fund raising including the sales of ingame donation bundles is only infrequently published.
Donation Recipe Bundles[]
4 Donation bundles are available in the Store in the "Coins" TAB. They can be bought via Steam wallet. Prices differ depending on where you live. 100% of proceeds go to Make-A-Wish:
Make-a-Wish Bronze Donation Bundle[]
This bundle contains:
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Red Giftwrap Blocks & 10 crafted Red Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Blue Giftwrap Blocks & 10 crafted Blue Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Green Giftwrap Blocks & 10 crafted Green Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Candycane Giftwrap Blocks & 10 crafted Candycane Giftwrap Blocks
- and 20 Rescued Toys
Make-a-Wish Silver Donation Bundle[]
This bundle contains:
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Red Giftwrap Blocks & 50 crafted Red Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Blue Giftwrap Blocks & 50 crafted Blue Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Green Giftwrap Blocks & 50 crafted Green Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Candycane Giftwrap Blocks & 50 crafted Candycane Giftwrap Blocks
- and 50 Rescued Toys
Make-a-Wish Gold Donation Bundle[]
This bundle contains:
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Red Giftwrap Blocks & 200 crafted Red Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Blue Giftwrap Blocks & 200 crafted Blue Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Green Giftwrap Blocks & 200 crafted Green Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Candycane Giftwrap Blocks & 200 crafted Candycane Giftwrap Blocks
- and 200 Rescued Toys
Make-a-Wish Platinum Donation Bundle[]
This bundle contains:
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Red Giftwrap Blocks & 999 crafted Red Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Blue Giftwrap Blocks & 999 crafted Blue Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Green Giftwrap Blocks & 999 crafted Green Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Candycane Giftwrap Blocks & 999 crafted Candycane Giftwrap Blocks
- and 500 Rescued Toys
When you purchase any of these Donation DLCs, the rare Recipe pages, Rescued Toys and crafted Giftwrap Blocks of each of the 4 types will be placed into your inventory/bag directly, not packed into just 1 storage container.
You will need to learn the Recipes by right-clicking on the icons of the Recipe pages or dragging and dropping them to your player character's 3D model on the right side of the inventory. This will permanently add the recipes to your Crafting Menu, thus they will become available on all game worlds, even on those with the world option "recipes don't carry over" ("fresh start") activated.
If you donate more than one bundle (for example for a friend), you can store the surplus Recipes pages on any game world and give them to other players on that game world. Items like Recipe pages cannot be transfered to other game worlds.
Note: on December 21st 2018, the developers notified players that the recipes will be "unlocked", so this might mean that from then on all the purchased seasonal Recipes will not be Recipe pages anymore, but instead automatically be added to the Crafting Menu after claiming the bundle on any game world of your choice.
Community Reward Bundles unlocked by reaching donation milestones/tiers[]
All players can claim any of these community reward bundles for free in the Store after they have been unlocked by a certain number of donations to Make-a-Wish . You do not have to donate in order to claim the bundles, but every donation will help the children that are supported by the Make-a-Wish foundation.
Donations that were made by buying ingame Donation Bundles as well as donations that went directly to Playful's Make-a-Wish Donation Campaign page https://t.co/aJJtpmFjgz will will count for this purpose.
Tier 1 community reward bundle (First milestone)[]
This community reward bundle was unlocked on Dec. 20th and can already be claimed for free in the Store
- 1 seasonal White Wood Table Recipe & crafted White Wood Tables
- 1 seasonal White Wood Chair Recipe & crafted White Wood Chairs
- 1 seasonal Grey Holiday Carpet Recipe & crafted Grey Holiday Carpet blocks
- 1 seasonal Dark Grey Holiday Carpet Recipe & crafted Dark Grey Holiday Carpet blocks
- 1 seasonal Beige Holiday Carpet Recipe & crafted Beige Holiday Carpet blocks
- 1 seasonal Dark Beige Holiday Carpet Recipe & crafted Dark Beige Holiday Carpet blocks
- 1 seasonal Plaid Bed Recipe & crafted Plaid Beds
- Ugly Leafi Sweater Costume set, consisting of Ugly Leafi Turtleneck Sweater to be found and selected in the torso Costume slot, and Ugly Leafi Turtleneck Arms to be found and selected in the arms Costume slot (no items in your inventory, cannot be crafted either)
Tier 2 community reward bundle (Second milestone)[]
This community reward bundle was unlocked on Dec. 21st and can already be claimed for free in the Store
- 1 seasonal Red Brick Wall Recipe & 300 crafted Red Brick Wall blocks
- 1 seasonal White Snowflake Glass Recipe & 50 crafted White Snowflake Glass blocks
- 1 seasonal Green Snowflake Glass Recipe & 50 crafted Green Snowflake Glass blocks
- 1 seasonal Red Snowflake Glass Recipe & 50 crafted Red Snowflake Glass blocks
- 1 seasonal Blue Snowflake Glass Recipe & 50 crafted Blue Snowflake Glass blocks
- 1 seasonal Red Brick Fireplace Recipe & 3 crafted Red Brick Fireplaces
- 1 seasonal Candycane Bed Recipe & 5 crafted Candycane Beds
- 1 seasonal Holiday Mantle Recipe & 10 crafted Holiday Mantles
- Winter Mitten to be found and selected in the Gauntlet Costume slot
- Reaudolph Head Costume to be found and selected in the Head Costume slot
Tier 3 community reward bundle (Third milestone)[]
This community reward bundle was unlocked on January 2nd and can already be claimed for free in the Store
- 1 seasonal White Wood Door Recipe & 5 crafted White Wood Doors
- 1 seasonal Holiday Window Recipe & 10 crafted Holiday Windows
- 1 seasonal Giftwrapped Bed Recipe & 5 crafted Giftwrapped Beds
- 1 seasonal White Brick Fireplace Recipe & 3 crafted White Brick Fireplaces
- 1 seasonal White Brick Wall Recipe & 300 crafted White Brick Walls
- 1 seasonal LED Tree Block Recipe & 80 crafted LED Tree Blocks
- Reinbeau Antlers Costume to be found and selected in the Hat Costume slot
- Reaudolph Flashlight Creativerse Pro Costume to be found and selected in the Flashlight Costume slot, only visible and activatable for players who bought the Pro DLC via Steam
When claiming these bundles on any game world of your choice, you will not receive any Recipe books or pages that could be stored or traded. Instead, all the seasonal Recipes from these bundles will automatically be added to your Crafting Menu permanently and will then be available on all game worlds, even if the world option "recipes don't carry over" ("fresh start") is enabled.
You can claim the crafted items of these bundles on any game world of your choice. Please note that the stacks of items will be placed directly into your quickbar and inventory/bag, not packed into one storage container. So you should make some room for them before claiming them. Items cannot be transfered to other game worlds.
After claiming the bundles, the Costumes can be found in their according Costume slots of your character when clicking on the button "Costume" over your player character's model on the right side of the inventory or by clicking the button "Customize character" on the main game screen before selecting any game world or adventure. Costumes are account-bound and aren't items that could be given to anyone else.