Basic Information[]
Item Packs can be bought in the ingame Store of Creativerse with Coins. These Coins are purchasable for real money in different amounts via Store in the "Coins" TAB.
The prices of these item packs can differ, especially for regular sales times and special offer occasions.
Please note that ALL the Item Packs will only provide you with already crafted blocks, objects, materials and/or consumables, but they usually do not contain any crafting recipes.
By simply obtaining these items or sharing them with other players, you will NOT receive any Store-exclusives crafting recipes from any Recipe Pack nor any other rare crafting Recipe (however some of the materials that you can purchase can help to partly unlock common crafting recipes).
Different from Recipe Packs, you can buy Item Packs more than only once for each Creativerse/Steam account.
Crafting recipes will only be available in a few rare seasonal bundles for a limited timespan (like during Christmas 2018-2019 for the very first time in Creativerse).
In this case, seasonal recipes will be included in the shape of Recipe Pages and/or Recipe Books that can be bought multiple times. You can only learn each Recipe once (per Steam account/player), but you can store the surplus ones and give them to other players on the game world where you've stored them. They can learn these Recipes and the Books or Pages will vanish. Seasonal Recipes cannot be "shared" via Adventure.
Currently available Item Packs:
Premium Block Sample Pack[]
This item pack contains:
- 100 blocks of Blue Stained Glass
- 100 blocks of Yellow Stained Glass
- 100 blocks of Red Stained Glass
- 100 blocks of Aztec Furnace Wall
- 100 blocks of Grated Furnace Wall
- 100 blocks of Crossed Furnace Wall
- 100 blocks of Igneous Block Wall
- 100 blocks of Stacked Hardened Lava Wall
- 100 blocks of Hardened Lava Inlay Wall
- 100 blocks of Ornamental Swirl Stone Wall
- 100 blocks of Ornamental Stone Wall
- 100 blocks of Carved Stone Floor
- 100 blocks of Mosaic Moroccan Wall
- 100 blocks of Star-Patterned Moroccan Wall
- 100 blocks of Tiled Moroccan Wall
- 100 blocks of Octagon Diamond Wall
- 100 blocks of Square Diamond Wall
- 100 blocks of Star Diamond Wall
- 100 blocks of Checkered Obsidian Wall
- 100 blocks of Square Obsidian Wall
- 100 blocks of Rhombus Obsidian Wall
- 100 blocks of Shattered Lumite Wall
- 100 blocks of Shattered Dark Lumite Wall
- 100 blocks of Shattered Light Lumite Wall
- 100 blocks of Chiseled Limestone Laurel Accent
- 100 blocks of Chiseled Limestone Spiral Accent
- 100 blocks of Chiseled Limestone Column
- 100 blocks of Laurel Bedrock Wall
- 100 blocks of Figured Limestone Wall
- 100 blocks of Figured Obsidian Wall
- 100 blocks of Blue Patterned Ceramic Wall
- 100 blocks of Opalescent Ceramic Wall
- 100 blocks of Blue-Green Patterned Ceramic Wall
This bundle includes blocks made from the Recipes that are included in the Recipe Packs "Mosaic Tile Bundle", "Ornamental Limestone Bundle", "Volcanic Bundle", "Geometric Obsidian Bundle", "Chiseled Stone Bundle", "Carved Diamond Bundle", "Fiery Furnace Bundle", "Desert Villa Bundle", "Ancient Temple Bundle", "Shattered Lumite Bundle" and "Stained Glass Bundle". The Premium Block Sample Pack itself does not add any rare Recipes to your Crafting Menu though, while the Recipe Packs will.
The Ritzy Pigsy's Content Pack[]
This item pack contains:
- 10 Deluxrative Dressers
- 10 Cabernatious Cabinets
- 4 Cherishizing Chairs
- 5 Charmacious Chandeliers
- 4 Cushceptional Couches
- 10 Customazing Curtains
- 4 Curvaciously Cushceptional Couches
- 2 Ostenduring Ottomans
- 10 Elongracing Luxurousity Lamps
- 20 Luxurousity Lamps
- 500 Comfavorited Carpets
- 5 Beautacular Bouquets
- 8 Jaunstounding Jabots
- 500 Wonderfulfilling Wallpapers
- 500 Wonderfulfilling Wood Walls
- 500 Wonderfulfilling Wallpaper Trims
- 4 Majestifying Matresses
- 5 Decorgeous Doors
Forbidden City Pack[]
This purchasable (not free) item pack contains:
- 800 blocks of Forbidden City Red Wood Walls
- 200 Forbidden Red Wood Slopes (that can be processed into inner and/or outer corner blocks)
- 200 cylindric Forbidden Red Wood Columns
- 400 Forbidden Jade Shingles
- 100 Forbidden Jade Shingled Roofs (that can be processed into inner and outer corner blocks)
- 400 Forbidden Red Shingles
- 100 Forbidden Red Shingled Roofs (that can be processed into inner and outer corner blocks)
- 100 Forbidden Windows
- 100 Forbidden Window Lattices
- 40 Year of the Dog Lanterns
- 100 sticks of Bamboo (decorative and usable as ladders)
Chill Frost Pack[]
This item pack contains:
- 10 Snow Blowers
- 15 Icicles
- 20 Ice Crystals
- 20 Ice Vines
- 15 Ice Spires
- 30 Rocky Ice Columns
- 30 Ice Doors
- 40 Snowcapped Ice Walls
- 40 Rocky Ice Walls
- 30 Ice Beds
- 30 Snow Buried Containers
Galactic Pack[]
This item pack contains:
- 300x Galactic Walls
- 300x Galactic Hulls
- 300x Galactic Floors
- 300 Galactic Hull Slopes
- 150 Galactic Rounded Slopes
- 150 Galactic Pipes
- 150 Galactic Striped Wall Slopes
- 150 Galactic Slabs (craftable from Galactic Walls in a Processor)
- 150 Galactic Hull Slabs (craftable from Galactic Hulls in a Processor)
- 100 Galactic Lamps
- 10 Galactic Sleep Pods
- 10 Galactic Terminals
- 20 Galactic Captain's Chairs
- 10 Galactic Grav-Chambers
- 150 Galactic Stairs
- 20 Galactic LEDs
- 150 Galactic Portholes
- 20 Galactic Bay Doors
- 50 Galactic Hull Slope Inner Corners (craftable from Galactic Hull Slopes in a Processor)
- 50 Galactic Hull Slope Outer Corners (craftable from Galactic Hull Slopes in a Processor)
Industrial Pack[]
This item pack contains:
- 300 Industrial Floors
- 300 Industrial Non-Skid Floors
- 400 Industrial Walls
- 300 Industrial Grated Walls
- 100 Industrial Lights
- 100 Wide Industrial Lights
- 100 Industrial Lamps
- 20 Industrial Lockers
- 50 Industrial Fences
- 10 Industrial Gates
- 20 Industrial Doors
- 50 Industrial Ladders
- 20 Industrial Bellows
- 40 Industrial Gears
- 10 Industrial Levers
- 10 Industrial Switches
- 20 Industrial Tables
- 20 Industrial Fans
- 10 Industrial Number Pads
- 20 Industrial LEDs
- 150 Industrial Stairs
- 150 Industrial Windows
- 20 Industrial Vents
- 300 Industrial Smoke Stacks
- 20 Industrial Chimneys
Medieval Pack[]
This item pack contains:
- 500 Medieval Brick Walls
- 150 Medieval Banner Walls
- 150 Medieval Crest Walls
- 500 Medieval Brick Inset Walls
- 150 Medieval Spike Walls
- 50 Medieval Torches
- 10 Medieval Lamps
- 1 Medieval Sword
- 5 Medieval Switches
- 10 Medieval Chairs
- 3 Medieval Thrones
- 200 Medieval Stairs
- 200 Medieval Carpeted Stairs
- 500 Medieval Roofs
- 10 Medieval Doors
- 3 Medieval Fireplaces
- 5 Medieval Chandeliers
- 40 Medieval Chains
- 4 Medieval Chests
- 20 Medieval Tables
Hidden Temple Pack[]
This item pack contains:
- 500 (blocks of) Hidden Temple Walls
- 150 (blocks of) Hidden Temple Trims
- 150 (blocks of) Hidden Temple Accents
- 400 (blocks of) Hidden Temple Glyph Walls
- 150 (blocks of) Hidden Temple Turquoise Trims
- 150 (blocks of) Hidden Temple Serpent Accents
- 500 (blocks of) Hidden Temple Roofs
- 400 (blocks of) Hidden Temple Stairs
- 20 Hidden Temple Doors
- 10 Hidden Temple Chairs
- 3 Hidden Temple Thrones
- 20 Hidden Temple Tables
- 60 Hidden Temple Torches
- 3 Hidden Temple Altars
- 10 Hidden Temple Goblets
- 1 Hidden Temple Sword
- 4 Hidden Temple Chests
Explosives Pack[]
This item pack contains:
- 20 Explosive Bombs
- 20 Stun Bombs
- 20 Armor-Piercing Bombs
- 20 Freeze Bombs
- 20 Force Bombs
- 20 Flares
(Please note that Flares can otherwise be obtained for free through random rare Login Chests or can be crafted from a special Recipe that will be given to everyone who registers their e-mail with Playful. All the other Explosives in this pack can be crafted for free ingame in the Crafting Menu after unlocking their crafting recipes and collecting the according crafting ingredients. Explosive Bombs can be found in more common Login Chests and also in randomly spawning Treasure Chests ingame for free.)
Ultimate Explosives Pack[]
Since 2019, this item pack now contains:
- 100 Explosive Bombs
- 100 Stun Bombs
- 100 Armor-Piercing Bombs
- 100 Freeze Bombs
- 100 Force Bombs
- 100 Poison Bombs
- 100 Fire Bombs
- 100 Purification Bombs
- 100 Corrupt Bombs
- 100 Flares
Please note that all these Explosives can be crafted for free ingame in the Crafting Menu after unlocking their crafting recipes (Flares require e-mail registration, but will also randomly be contained in free Login Chests now and then).
Machines Pack[]
Since 2019, this item pack contains:
- 10 Switches
- 10 Delay Gates
- 10 Pressure Plates
- 10 Fans
- 10 Sensors
- 10 Block Phasers
- 10 Loot Spawners
- 10 Mob Spawners
- 10 Arc Signs
- 50 LEDs
(All these Machines can be crafted for free ingame in the Crafting Menu after unlocking their crafting recipes and collecting the according crafting ingredients.)
Ultimate Machines Pack[]
Since 2019, this item pack contains:
- 50 Switches
- 50 Delay Gates
- 50 Pressure Plates
- 50 Fans
- 50 Sensors
- 50 Block Phasers
- 50 Loot Spawners
- 50 Mob Spawners
- 50 Arc Signs
- 50 Inverter Gates
- 50 Logic Gates
- 50 Number Pads
- 50 Number Comparison Gates
- 50 Flip-Flop Gates
- 250 LEDs
(All these Machines can be crafted for free ingame in the Crafting Menu after unlocking their crafting recipes and collecting the according crafting ingredients.)
Miner's Pack[]
This item pack contains:
(Super Extractors, Super TNT and Super Excavators can be crafted for free ingame in the Crafting Menu after unlocking their crafting recipes and collecting the according crafting ingredients. Super Extractors require a rare Recipe obtainable from the Thing).
Ultimate Miner's Pack[]
Since 2019, this item pack contains:
- 50 Super Extractors
- 60 Super TNT
- 30 Super Excavators
- 200x Gunpowder
(Super Extractors, Super TNT and Super Excavators can be crafted for free ingame in the Crafting Menu after unlocking their crafting recipes and collecting the according crafting ingredients. Super Extractors require a rare Recipe obtainable from the Thing.)
Halloween-themed Item Packs that might become available around Halloween[]
Haunted Idol Pack[]
This item pack contains:
Ultimate Haunted Idol Pack[]
This item pack contains:
Item Packs that might become available again around Christmas[]
Holiday Trap Starter Pack[]
This free item pack contains:
Holiday Trap Pack[]
This item pack contains:
- 10 Medium Trog Traps
- 50 Snowcubes
Ultimate Holiday Trap Pack[]
This item pack contains:
- 150 Rescued Toys
- 40 Medium Trog Traps
- 10 Large Trog Traps
- 250 Snowcubes
- 10 Freeze Resistance Potions
Elfi's Wonderland Bundle 2018[]
This bundle usually costs 600 Coins and contains:
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Page for red Poinsettias
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Page for Holiday Wreaths
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Page for Holiday Garlands (creates bows at outer corners)
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Page for Red Ornaments
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Page for Magic Snow Globes (activatable in order to let it snow)
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Page for White Wood Floors (flammable)
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Page for White Wood Walls (flammable)
- 1 Leafi Snow Globe - as an item without a recipe (not activatable)
- 1 Pigsy Snow Globe - as an item without a recipe (not activatable)
- 1 Trog Snow Globe - as an item without a recipe (not activatable)
- 1 Reaudolph Snow Globe - as an item without a recipe (not activatable)
- 25 Snowcubes - as items without a recipe
- 5 Blizzard Potions - as items without a recipe (non-craftable)
- 5x Jingle Juices - as items without a recipe (non-craftable)
- 5 Freeze Resistance Potions - as items without a recipe
- 10 Freeze Bombs - as items without a recipe
- 10 Frigid Soups - as items without a recipe
- 10 Frigid Sandwiches - as items without a recipe
- 10 Stun Bombs - as items without a recipe
Please note that this bundle will not be placed into your inventory or quickbar stored in a wooden container. Instead, all the items and Recipes will be placed directly in your inventory, so please make room for them before buying these bundles!
The seasonal Recipe Pages from this item pack can be stored as items and given to other players on the same game world. The Recipe Pages can be learnt (by right-click or drag-and-drop) and will then be consumed, in return the according crafting recipes will permanently be added to the Crafting Menu. From then on they will be available on all game worlds, even those with the "Pro" world option "recipes don't carry over" ("fresh start") enabled.
Elfi's Toy Drive Bundle 2017[]
This bundle usually costs 900 Coins and contains:
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Gingerbread Walls
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Brick Gingerbread Walls
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Swirl Gingerbread Walls
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Tiled Gingerbread Walls
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Gingerbread Roofs
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Gingerbread Windows
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Gingerbread Doors
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Wafer Gingerbread Roofs
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Gingerbread Stairs
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Gingerbread Chimneys
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Red Gift Boxes
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Blue Gift Boxes
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Green Gift Boxes
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Yellow Holiday Lights
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Blue Holiday Lights
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Red Holiday Lights
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Green Holiday Lights
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Candy Cane Walls
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Candy Cane Fences
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Candy Cane Gates
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Holiday Decorative Trees
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Shur-Ice-Ns
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Blizzard Bombs
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Page for Snowball Turrets
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for Blocky the Snowman
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe Book for New Year's Fireworks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Holiday Music Boxes
This item bundle does not contain (neither does the Elfi's Wonderland 2018 bundle):
- any seasonal rare Recipe for Frozen Containers
Please note that this bundle will not be placed into your inventory or quickbar stored in a wooden container. Instead, all the items and Recipes will be placed directly in your inventory, so please make room for them before buying these bundles!
The seasonal Recipe Books from this item pack can be stored as items and given to other players on the same game world. The Recipe Books can be learnt (by right-click or drag-and-drop) and will then permanently be added to the Crafting Menu. From then on they will be consumed, in return the according crafting recipes will be permanently be added to the Crafting Menu. From then on they will be available on all game worlds, even those with the "Pro" world option "recipes don't carry over" ("fresh start") enabled.
Make-a-Wish Donation Bundles[]
4 Donation bundles are available in the Store in the "Coins" TAB for the duration of the Christmas event Elfi's Wonderland that started on December 19th 2018 and is supposed to go on for 3-4 weeks. These bundles can be bought via Steam wallet. Prices differ depending on where you live. 100% of proceeds go to Make-A-Wish:
Make-a-Wish Bronze Donation Bundle[]
This bundle contains:
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Red Giftwrap Blocks & 10 crafted Red Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Blue Giftwrap Blocks & 10 crafted Blue Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Green Giftwrap Blocks & 10 crafted Green Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Candycane Giftwrap Blocks & 10 crafted Candycane Giftwrap Blocks
- and 20 Rescued Toys
Make-a-Wish Silver Donation Bundle[]
This bundle contains:
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Red Giftwrap Blocks & 50 crafted Red Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Blue Giftwrap Blocks & 50 crafted Blue Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Green Giftwrap Blocks & 50 crafted Green Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Candycane Giftwrap Blocks & 50 crafted Candycane Giftwrap Blocks
- and 50 Rescued Toys
Make-a-Wish Gold Donation Bundle[]
This bundle contains:
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Red Giftwrap Blocks & 200 crafted Red Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Blue Giftwrap Blocks & 200 crafted Blue Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Green Giftwrap Blocks & 200 crafted Green Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Candycane Giftwrap Blocks & 200 crafted Candycane Giftwrap Blocks
- and 200 Rescued Toys
Make-a-Wish Platinum Donation Bundle[]
This bundle contains:
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Red Giftwrap Blocks & 999 crafted Red Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Blue Giftwrap Blocks & 999 crafted Blue Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Green Giftwrap Blocks & 999 crafted Green Giftwrap Blocks
- 1 seasonal rare Recipe for Candycane Giftwrap Blocks & 999 crafted Candycane Giftwrap Blocks
- and 500 Rescued Toys
When you purchase any of these Donation DLCs, the rare Recipe pages, Rescued Toys and crafted Giftwrap Blocks of each of the 4 types will be placed into your inventory/bag directly, not packed into just 1 storage container.
You will need to learn the Recipes by right-clicking on the icons of the Recipe pages or dragging and dropping them to your player character's 3D model on the right side of the inventory. This will permanently add the recipes to your Crafting Menu, thus they will become available on all game worlds, even on those with the world option "recipes don't carry over" ("fresh start") activated.
If you donate more than one bundle (for example for a friend), you can store the surplus Recipes pages on any game world and give them to other players on that game world. Items like Recipe pages cannot be transfered to other game worlds.
Note: on December 21st 2018, the developers notified players that the recipes will be "unlocked", so this might mean that from then on all the purchased seasonal Recipes will not be Recipe pages anymore, but instead automatically be added to the Crafting Menu after claiming the bundle on any game world of your choice.
Make-A-Wish Community Reward Bundles unlocked by donations[]
Despite being listed in the "Items" TAB of the Store window, the three community reward bundles (Make-A-Wish Tier 1 community reward bundle, Make-A-Wish Tier 2 community reward bundle and Make-A-Wish Tier 3 community reward bundle) are in actual fact Recipe Packs, because
- these bundles can be received only once per player / Steam-account,
- most Recipe bundles also contain examples of crafted blocks/items in Creativerse,
- the rare Recipes that these Make-A-Wish bundles contain will not be granted in the shape of Recipe books or Recipe pages that could be stored and shared,
- but instead their Recipes will automatically be permanently added to the Crafting Menu when claimed.
Not available in the Store anymore[]
- free Hover Jet Blueprint Pack (building kit for Playful's Blueprint "Hover Jet")
- free Galactic Chizzard Coop Pack (building kit for Playful's Blueprint "Galactic Chizzard Coop")
- Arcstone Pack. This item pack contained 20 Arcstones
(Arcstones can otherwise be obtained for free from random Login Chests and from three types of Keepas that can randomly spawn anywhere on the game world, mainly on Corrupted blocks like can be found on the Corruption layer deep underground. All Keepas can be tamed, fed] and then harvested repeatedly. Silver Keepas and Golden Keepas can drop a larger amount of Arcstones when they are killed.)
- Ultimate Arcstone Pack. This item pack contained 99 Arcstones
- Lighting Pack. This item pack contained 50 Wood Burning Lamps, 50 Gas Lamps, 50 Red Lamps, 50 Blue Lamps, 50 Yellow Lamps, 5 Red Beacons, 5 Blue Beacons, 5 Yellow Beacons and 5 White Beacons
(All these Lamps and Beacons can be crafted for free ingame in the Crafting Menu after unlocking their crafting recipes and collecting the according crafting ingredients. The crafting recipes for Colored Beacons are random contents of Treasure Chests, Wood Burning Lamps can be found as already crafted items in Treasure Chests as well.)
- Super Extractor Pack. This item pack contained 10 Super Extractors.
(Super Extractors can otherwise only be crafted from a rare Recipe that is randomly obtainable solely from the Thing, a tough Creature that spawns on Corrupted Blocks in darkness, mainly on the Corruption layer deep underground. The recipe can be obtained either as a loot when killing a Thing or as a pet-harvest.)