The Iron Sword is a melee weapon that deals 60 damage points.
You can create it in your Crafting Menu (default key "Q") or at Crafting Tables (that still exist in older worlds) after unlocking the crafting recipe by crafting (or taking) an Obsidian Sword.
Very rarely you can find Iron Swords in Diamond Treasure Chests in the Corruption Layer.
To craft one Iron Sword you'll need
- 3 Iron Bars made in a Forge from Iron Ore
- 2 Warmworm Teeth from Warmworms spawning on Siltstone and other rocks from the Stalactite layer or on Igneous Rock, Sulfur, Hardened Lava and other rocks from the Lava layer
- 1 Feral Pigsy Fur, as a loot or pet-harvest from Feral Pigsies in the Jungle
- 2 Twines, made from Vines in a Processor
- 2 Obsidian Rods made of Obsidian (bars) in a Processor
Crafting/taking the Iron Sword is the unlocking requirement for the crafting recipe of the Diamond Sword.
To use any sword you must first equip it with a right-click from a quickslot into the weapon equipment slot next to your character's portrait to the right side of the inventory before you can ready it to attack.
Whenever you hit a creature with a sword, the weapon will lose a bit of durability until it falls apart completely. The durability is indicated by a bar over the icon of the sword - in your equipment slot next to your character's portrait as well as on the main screen visible over the weapon slot. You might want to be prepared and take a new sword with you if your current one already hasn't much durability left!