The Industrial Light is a wireable lighting fixture in a rusty red-brown color with a long yellow lightbulb encased in wire. However, when the lamp is switched on, it emits a red light.
The Industrial Light is part of the Industrial Super Bundle that was launched during update R44 in June 2017, and can only be crafted (default crafting key is Q) after buying the Super Bundle in the Store for Coins.
To craft 4 Industrial Lights at a time, you will need:
- 1 Iron Rod made from an Iron Bar in a Processor. Iron Ore can be extracted from Nodes on the Stalactite layer underground, or found in Iron Treasure Chests or in Diamond Treasure Chest
- 1x Coal that can be extracted from Nodes on the Fossil layer (accessible through shallow Caves) or on Mountains, or can be found in Treasure Chests, or can be obtained from Keepas of any kind either as a loot or pet-harvest
- 1 block of Glass made from Sand in a Forge
Industrial Lights can be switched on or off by activating them (right mouse button or "f" as the default key) after placing them. They do not emit heat and cannot set flammable material on fire (different from torches with open flames).
The Industrial Light can be fully rotated by pressing and holding r (as the default key) and moving the mouse while holding the left mouse button. The chosen rotation angle can then be "locked" too by simply typing "r", so that all items of the same stack will be placed facing the same direction.
To pick up these luminaires, no Power Cell is required. Of course you won't be able to take such items on claims of other players (or in game-worlds) where your permission level is set low.
Industrial Lights can be wired up with activation devices like Switches, Number Pads, Sensors or Pressure Plates. Luminaires will then serve as receivers and can either be switched on or off. Their interactivity can be toggled and defined with permission settings. |
Buying the Industrial Super Bundle in the Store is the only way to permanently add the crafting recipe for this object to the crafting menu (to be opened by default key "q"), where it will be already unlocked and will always be available even on game worlds where the world option "world bound recipes" is enabled.
Industrial Lights are also included in the Industrial Pack and building kits corresponding to Industrial Blueprints, but none of these item packs will include the crafting recipe for this lamp.