Creativerse Wiki
Creativerse Wiki
Creativerse ice spy tier 1 2018-03-09 16-42-09-36
Creativerse ice spy tier 2 2018-03-13 16-23-43-49
Creativerse ice spy tier 3 2018-03-14 01-04-04-35
Creativerse leafi spy 2018-03-13 16-22-28-28
Creativerse blizzard spy 9 seconds cold damage 2018-03-13 19-11-48-09

This article is from 2017 and somehow outdated. Will be updated soon.

Basic Information[]

Ice Spies (and possible Ice Spies) are inconspicuously common looking green Leafies and Blizzard Chizzards that nearly always wear Pet Hats and/or Bow Ties. They will only appear when being summoned by placing any Trog Trap when the Trog Trap Event "Ice Spy" (tier 1-3) is randomly initiated. Despite looking like Pets, they can be hurt and killed, the Leafies will run away when being attacked, while the Blizzard Chizzards will fight back.

Different from usually appearing Leafies and Blizzard Chizzards outside of Trog Trap Events, every Ice Spy and also every possible Ice Spy requires 3 hits with any melee weapon, no matter if a Lumite Sword, Diamond Sword, Iron Sword, Obsidian Sword, Stone Sword, Wood Sword or Twig.

Small Trog Traps can start "Ice Spy" events of Tier 1 with 3 waves/groups of (possible) spies spawning one after another. Medium Trog Traps might start "Ice Spy" events of Tier 2 with 4 spawning waves/groups of (possible) spies, and Large Trog Traps can initiate "Ice Spy" events of Tier 3 with 5 waves/groups of (possible) spies that will spawn one after another.

One actual spy has to be identified within each summoned wave/group on the basis of descriptions given by onscreen messages and then has to be killed. The death of the spy will cause all the possible spies to vanish together with it, which will make the next wave spawn. Ice Spies and possible Ice Spies won't drop any Loot Bags, but if all actual spies have been killed within the given time span, a Reward Holiday Gift Box will spawn, with different content depending on the tier of event and a random Holiday-themed assortment.

Health require 3 hits with any type of melee Weapon
Time to Tame: These Creatures refuse to be tamed
Attack(s): Defense: only Blizzard Chizzards appearing during "Ice Spy" events will defend themselves and will then use the same attacks as common Blizzard Chizzards with their feet as well as occasional dive attacks, often inflicting cold damage over time for 9 seconds
Location: near wherever a Trog Trap is placed, during day or night

General information[]

While very similar looking green Leafies and Blizzard Chizzards can be encountered roaming any Creativerse game world, the summoned (possible) Ice Spies will often wear brightly colored Pet Accessories and can only be randomly "summoned" when any Trog Trap is placed and the Trog Trap Event "Ice Spy" is randomly initiated.

Trog Traps can be obtained for free via daily login chests during the seasonal Christmas event Elfi's Toy Drive that lasts for ca. one month around Christmas.

Depending on the Trog Trap, three to waves of 4-6 possible Ice Spies (as said green Leafies and Blizzard Chizzards that often wear Pet Accessories) will spawn one after another within a certain proximity around the Trog Trap after it has been placed and the even "Ice Spy" has been initiated.

In actual fact, only one Leafi or Blizzard Chizzard of each group/wave that will spawn is actually a spy. The others are said to be also summoned by Troggington in order to confuse players, while the actual spy has to free Troggington from the Trog Trap.

When pointing your cursor at them, both the actual Ice Spy as well as the possible Ice Spies will simply be named "Leafi" or "Blizzard Chizzard", even though they are special Creatures with specific vulnerabilities.

Not all possible Ice Spies will wear accessories, but if they do, their Pet Hats, Holiday Pet Hats and/or Bow Ties will not be dropped when they are killed. This applies to the actual spy as well as to all the other summoned Leafies and Blizzard Chizzards that are just "possible" spies.

Also, no Loot Bags (respectively Holiday Loot Bags) will be dropped. Instead, the Creatures will simply vanish in a puff of smoke, as will all the others of their group/wave as soon as the spy is dead.

All possible and actual Ice Spies are peaceful. When attacked by player characters, Leafies will slowly run away, while Blizzard Chizzards will defend themselves with melee attacks (performed with their feet while hovering in the air) and occasional dive attacks, often dealing cold damage over time that will reduce health for ca. 9 seconds.

Players will receive a Reward Holiday Gift Box at the end of the event/s that will only spawn after the Trog Trap Event "Ice Spy" has successfully been completed in time; which means that all actual Ice Spies of each spawning wave have been identified and killed.


Ice Spies and possible Ice Spies are helpers of Troggington (albeit they are not Troggington's Minions) and such they are randomly summoned by this seasonal Frost Trog after he has been trapped in a Trog Trap of any kind. There is no way for players to control which type of event will activate, since Troggington is the one to "decide" about this randomly.

Possible and actual Ice Spies will very often appear when a Trog Trap of any tier (Small, Medium, Large) will randomly choose and initiate the event "Ice Spy" (tier 1, tier 2, tier 3). Depending on the Trog Trap, different tiers of this event will be initiated and can be started anytime during day and/or night.

  • Small Trog Traps can start "Ice Spy" events of Tier 1 with 3 waves/groups of (possible) spies spawning one after another.
  • Medium Trog Traps might start "Ice Spy" events of Tier 2 with 4 spawning waves/groups of (possible) spies.
  • Large Trog Traps can initiate "Ice Spy" events of Tier 3 with 5 waves/groups of (possible) spies that will spawn one after another.

(Possible) Ice Spies cannot be spawned on Mob Spawners (anymore). It might be possible that Mob Spawners will become able to spawn Leafi Spies and Blizzard Chizzard Spies in the future once again, especially when the Christmas event Elfi's Toy Drive will again take place.

Please note that Mob Spawners are not intended to let you "farm" infinite animal loot. Instead they are Machines that will spawn specific Creatures as a fighting challenge, intended to be used within Adventures created for other players to play.

Creatures spawned on Mob Spawners never drop any loot and cannot be tamed. However, Adventure creators can provide the first Creature that will be spawned with customary loot that other players will then receive when killing this Creature.

Aggressive player-spawned Creatures can in a way serve as "watch dogs" activated by Sensors or traps wired to them, but will also be aggressive towards the player who placed the Mob Spawners. This does not apply to Ice Spies though.


Ice Spies that appear within a certain proximity around either a Small Trog Trap, Medium Trog Trap or a Large Trog Trap are always peaceful towards player characters and only Blizzard Chizzards will defend themselves when being attacked with melee attacks, while Leafies will only slowly run away when being hurt without using any counter-attacks.

Blizzard Chizzards will defend themselves most often with melee attacks performed with their feet while hovering in the air, and also occasional dive attacks, both of which will often dealing cold damage over time that will reduce the health of player characters for ca. 9 seconds.


Ice Spies can easily be defeated by hitting them with any type of melee Weapon 3 times.

Since the objective of the event is to kill all actual spies of each wave/group within a certain time limit, you won't have the time to kill all possible Ice Spies, but instead search for the actual spy - one Creature of each spawning group - and only kill this one.

It is recommended to first look for the type of Creature with the specific hat that you need to find (either Leafi or Blizzard Chizzard), or check for Creatures that do not wear any hats if this is the description of the spy, only after that to check for the bow ties because these are more difficult to spot.

Since Ice Spies require 3 hits with any weapon in order to be killed, no matter if a Lumite Sword, Diamond Sword, Iron Sword, Obsidian Sword, Stone Sword, Wood Sword or even an indestructible Twig (that doesn't lose durability), it is recommended to use the Twig (aka to remove the current weapon from the weapon equipment slot next to the character doll in your inventory).

Because spies and possible spies will reduce the durability of any melee Weapon that you'll use to fight them. It is also recommended to circle Blizzard Chizzard Spies while hitting them, in order to avoid being attacked. In general, any health regenerating Food or Potion is recommended to be consumed, but as an alternative, Food or Potions that protect from cold damage can also be used (they won't protect from physical damage taken by the feet and beak of Blizzard Chizzards though).

Like all other Creatures, Ice Spies can climb one or two blocks upwards, but not three blocks or higher without any steps, not even on worlds with low gravity (while your player character can use low gravity to jump up 5 blocks or more). So they can be held back by high walls (probably activated with a Block Phaser), but of course also by fences, wicket gates, doors and the like.

Ice Spy Events[]

Ice Spy (Tier 1) with 3 spies[]

Three waves of 4-6 Creatures - only Leafies and Blizzard Chizzards wearing Pet Accessories - will spawn one after another within a certain proximity around the Small Trog Trap. The first wave often consists of 4, the second of 5 and the third wave of 6 Creatures altogether. One of these Creatures of each wave is said to be Ice Spies working for Troggington and aiming to set him free.

So one Creature of each spawning group has to be identified as a "spy" and killed. Onscreen messages will tell you which type of Creature the "spy" is that you should kill, and which type of hat and/or bow tie the spy is wearing (sometimes Ice Spies will wear only one of these accessories). During the easy Tier 1 events, spies most often wear pointed red and white Holiday Pet Hats. Tier 1 events will give you ca. 1 minute to defeat all 3 Ice Spies.

Tip: first look for the type of Creature with the specific hat that you need to find (Leafi or Blizzard Chizzard), or check for Creatures that do not wear any hats if this is the description of the spy, then check for the bow ties because these are more difficult to spot.

Ice Spies require 3 hits with any weapon, no matter if a Lumite Sword, Diamond Sword, Iron Sword, Obsidian Sword, Stone Sword, Wood Sword or even an indestructible Twig (that doesn't lose durability) to be eliminated. Different from the red ghostly Creatures that spawned during the Halloween-events of Pumpkiru's Candy Campaign, the "spies" will reduce the durability of the melee weapon that you'll use to fight them though. Ice Spies do not ever seem to drop any Loot Bags (respectively Holiday Loot Bags) of their own.

In Tier 1 Ice Spy events, Leafis will attempt to flee without fighting back, but Blizzard Chizzards will defend themselves when being attacked and are occasionally able to deal cold damage over time for ca. 9 seconds. Often, Blizzard Chizzard spies are the ones that do not wander around, but stay at their spot. Red icons on the compass will show you where all the Creatures are, but will not point out the spy itself.

Ice Spy (Tier 2 with 4 spies)[]

Four waves of 5-6 Creatures - Leafies and/or Blizzard Chizzards wearing Pet Accessories - will spawn one after another within a certain proximity around the Medium Trog Trap. One of these Creatures of each wave has to be identified and killed, since they are said to be Ice Spies working for Troggington aiming to set him free. Onscreen messages will tell you which type of Creature the "spy" is that you should kill, and which type of hat and/or bow tie the spy is wearing (sometimes Ice Spies will wear only one of these accessories).

This time, the descriptions of Ice Spies are not as detailed as for tier 1 events, but will still name the type of Creature and its accessories accurately. If a Creature is depicted as "I don't like the look of that Leafi/Chizzard in the holiday hat" or "They say that the spy is a Leafi/Chizzard in only a holiday hat", this Creature usually ONLY wears a holiday hat, but no bow tie (and vice versa - "only a bow tie" means "no hat").

Sometimes the description on the bottom of your screen will not specify the type of Creature you should be looking for while the message at the left border of your screen will be more specific, but usually only one type (either Leafis or Blizzard Chizzards) will spawn during such a wave anyways.

Tier 2 events will give you ca. 1 minute to defeat all 4 Ice Spies. During Tier 2 events, spies will only sometimes be the ones that wear pointed red and white Holiday Pet Hats. More often they will either be Leafis or Blizzard Chizzards wearing either only a Top Hat or only a Bow Tie (of any color). Sometimes, only a bunch of Leafis will spawn, at other times only Blizzard Chizzards might spawn. Tip: again it's recommended to first look for the type of Creature with the specific hat that you need to find (Leafi or Blizzard Chizzard), or check for Creatures that do not wear any hats if this is the description of the spy, and then check for the bow ties because these are more difficult to spot.

Ice Spies require 3 hits with any weapon, no matter if a Lumite Sword, Diamond Sword, Iron Sword, Obsidian Sword, Stone Sword, Wood Sword or even an indestructible Twig (that doesn't lose durability) to be eliminated. Different from the red ghostly Creatures that spawned during the Halloween-events of Pumpkiru's Candy Campaign, the "spies" will reduce the durability of the melee weapon that you'll use to fight them though. Ice Spies do not ever seem to drop any Loot Bags (respectively Holiday Loot Bags) of their own.

Leafis will again only attempt to flee without fighting back, but Blizzard Chizzards will defend themselves when being attacked and are occasionally able to deal cold damage over time for ca. 9 seconds. Red icons on the compass will show you where all the Creatures are, but will not point out the spy itself in any specific way.

Ice Spy (Tier 3 with 5 spies)[]

Five waves of 5-6 Creatures - Leafies and/or Blizzard Chizzards wearing Pet Accessories - will spawn one after another within a certain proximity around the Large Trog Trap. One of these Creatures of each wave has to be identified and killed. Onscreen messages will tell you which type of Creature the "spy" is that you should kill, and which type of hat and/or bow tie the spy is wearing (sometimes Ice Spies will wear only one of these accessories).

These tier 3 events will again grant you ca. 1 minute of time to defeat all 5 Ice Spies. The descriptions of spies are a bit different from tier 1 and 2 events. They often describe the specific colors of hats and/or bowties that the "spy" is wearing, but the description on the bottom of your screen will not specify the type of Creature that you should be looking for. This time the message at the left border of your screen will also not be more specific, both will only say "the spy is wearing..." or "the spy is the one wearing...".

Sometimes only a bunch of Leafis will spawn, at other times only Blizzard Chizzards will spawn, but often both types will spawn, while the description of the spy still won't specify the sought-after Creature type. If only a bow tie is mentioned, then the spy does not wear any type of hat, and if only the hat is specified, the spy doesn't wear a bow tie.

Ice Spies once again require 3 hits with any weapon, no matter if a Lumite Sword, Diamond Sword, Iron Sword, Obsidian Sword, Stone Sword, Wood Sword or even an indestructible Twig (that doesn't lose durability) to be eliminated. Different from the red ghostly Creatures that spawned during the Halloween-events of Pumpkiru's Candy Campaign, the "spies" will reduce the durability of the melee weapon that you'll use to fight them though. Ice Spies do not ever seem to drop any Loot Bags (respectively Holiday Loot Bags) of their own.

Leafis will again only attempt to flee without fighting back, but Blizzard Chizzards will defend themselves when being attacked and are occasionally able to deal cold damage over time for ca. 9 seconds. Red icons on the compass will show you where all the Creatures are, but will not point out the spy itself in any specific way.


When killed, Ice Spies and possible Ice Spies will not drop any Loot Bags nor Rescued Toys by themselves.

Instead, only after players manage to accomplish the given event goal, a special Reward Holiday Gift Box will appear that will contain:

plus usually 2 random stacks of consumables, materials and/or items

plus usually 3-8 random stacks of consumables, materials and/or items

plus usually 5-8 random stacks of consumables, materials and/or items

The Trog Trap Event assortment of random consumables, materials and/or items consists of:

and/or other items like that.


Ice Spies and possible Ice Spies cannot be tamed and will refuse to become your Pets. They are probably only loyal to Troggington III.
