Creativerse Wiki
Creativerse holiday giftbox 2017-12-21 16-14-41-19
Creativerse holiday gift box animated 2017-12-15 21-48-01-39
Creativerse holiday giftboxes 2017-12-15 21-55-46-25
Creativerse holiday giftbox 2017-12-15 22-53-20-23
Creativerse holiday giftbox 2017-12-15 22-53-22-17
Creativerse holiday giftbox animated 2017-12-15 21-48-04-29
Creativerse ice box bundle claimed 2017-12-15 21-46-46-40
Creativerse merry music bundle claimed 2017-12-21 16-11-33-00
Creativerse snowball turret bundle 2018-01-03 21-23-13-49
Creativerse community toy drive snowball turret bundle 201
Creativerse 001 Elfi's Toy Drive 2017-12-13 21-57-02-13
Creativerse 002 Elfi's Toy Drive 2017-12-15 03-12-19-35

Basic Information[]

Holiday Giftboxes are rare animated chests that resemble blue Holiday Gifts and can be placed into the game world.

They will then automatically open and will provide players with pretty much the same content that Holiday Gifts usually contain when they randomly spawn on blocks of Snow and Ice in cold biomes during Christmas event-times.

These animated non-craftable seasonal containers were implemented for the Christmas event Elfi's Toy Drive that came to Creativerse on December 13th 2017 for the first time and lasted until January 10th 2018. Holiday Giftboxes were not distributed during Elfi's Wonderland, the Christmas event 2018-2019.

Holiday Giftboxes were special rewards as parts of three gift bundles (the Ice Box Bundle, the Merry Music Bundle and the Snowball Turret Bundle) that could be unlocked by the actions of the whole Creativerse community during the Elfi's Community Toy Drive event in 2017-2018.

How to obtain[]

Holiday Giftboxes cannot be crafted or obtained from any Creature or randomly spawning Treasure Chest.

Players could only receive these animated Holiday Giftboxes (only blue variants have been seen so far) if they claimed any of the three bundles from Elfi's Community Toy Drive until January 10th 2018.

All players could claim these bundles until the end of the event after the bundles had been unlocked by the Creativerse player community.

In order to unlock these rewards, Creativerse players merely had to engage in the Christmas event 2017, collect Rescued Toys and "return" them to Elfis, but in actual fact trade them in as a Christmas "currency" in order to obtain (buy) winter-themed items and their rare Recipes.

Elfis are seasonal NPC traders that usually only appear during Christmas event-times on blocks of Snow and Ice.

Whenever a Creativerse player gave Rescued Toys to an Elfi in exchange for seasonal Recipes and items, these Toys were added to a count that included all Toys provided to Elfis by the whole Creativerse community from December 13th 2017 to January 10th 2018.

Rescued Toys could be collected at that time by "hunting" for randomly spawning Holiday Gifts on Snow and Ice as well as by completing Trog Trap Events that could (and still can) be started by placing Trog Traps that could be obtained during Christmas event-times.

The combined amount of all the delivered Rescued Toys on all Creativerse game worlds between December 13th 2017 and January 10th 2018 was displayed on a slider that players could observe on the main screen of the game before entering a game world, as well as on top of the ingame screen when opening the inventory.

Three colorful gift box icons marked specific goals for this community campaign during Christmas 2017-2018: the Ice Box Bundle that was unlocked after 5,000,000 Rescued Toys were "returned" to Elfis, the Merry Music Bundle after 12,000,000 Rescued Toys and the Snowball Turret Bundle after 25,000,000 Rescued Toys had been given to Elfis.

Whenever one of these goals was accomplished in 2017-2018, the according community reward was unlocked. This way, everyone belonging to the Creativerse player community could do their bit to unlock these special rewards during the Christmas event whenever they traded with an Elfi and handed in Rescued Toys in order to buy rare Recipes and seasonal items.

As soon as a reward bundle had been unlocked (when the red-white striped slider had reached the according gift box icons), it could then be claimed by every Creativerse player by clicking on the respective gift box icon on the slider either on the main game screen or ingame after opening the inventory.

Afterwards, the according bundle could be found in the inventory/bag. During Elfi's Toy Drive 2017 (until January 2018) the rewards consisted of event-exclusive rare Recipes that could not be traded with other players, plus a few examples of these crafted items, several Rescued Toys and also animated Holiday Giftboxes.

All of this was only available until January 10th 2018 and cannot be claimed any longer.

How to obtain[]

After the slider had reached 5,000,000 on December 15th 2017, the Ice Box Bundle was unlocked, after the slider had reached 12,000,000 on December 21th 2017, the Merry Music Bundle was unlocked, and after the slider had reached 25,000,000 (25 million toys) on January 3rd 2017, the Snowball Turret Bundle was unlocked for all Creativerse players to claim at that time, until January 10th 2018.

In order to claim these bundles either during a Christmas event or perhaps for special occasions when another community event should available again, you can click on the gift box icons on the slider either on the main game screen or ingame after opening your inventory.

Afterwards you will find the rare Recipes that are contained in the according bundles (like for the Frozen Container, the Holiday Music Box, Snowball Turret and the New Years Fireworks) in your crafting menu (to be opened with "Q" as the default key) and you can claim an additional bundle that contains items in your inventory on one game world of Creativerse.

After claiming these bundles by clicking on the icons of the item bundles in the inventory, they would turn into one-way storage containers that each look like a stack of wooden crates, similar to Item Packs from the Store and the item bundles that come with Recipe Packs.

These containers can be placed on the ground and can then be activated with right-click or "f" (as the default key) like any other storage container in order to take the items from them. After they've been emptied, the containers themselves will vanish.

The item bundle containers contained the Holiday Giftboxes that could be transfered to the inventory (or quickbar) and then also placed or stored.

Content of the rare community bundles 2017[]

The Ice Box Bundle consisted of the rare crafting Recipe for Frozen Containers (which was a non-tradeable recipe until December 19th 2018), plus 2 Frozen Containers as crafted items, 100 Rescued Toys and 5 animated Holiday Giftboxes.

Holiday Giftboxes need to be placed into the game world in order to automatically open. Then they can provide players with random content that is very similar to the content of Holiday Gifts that randomly spawn during the annual Christmas event. Otherwise, Holiday Giftboxes can be placed into the slots of display containers for decoration. They cannot be placed into the game world and kept closed.

The Merry Music Bundle consisted of the rare crafting Recipe for Holiday Music Boxes (which was a non-tradeable recipe until December 19th 2018), plus 1 already crafted animated Holiday Music Box, 200x Rescued Toys and 10 animated Holiday Giftboxes with random content that was very similar to the content of randomly spawning Holiday Gifts.

The Snowball Turret Bundle included 2 Christmas-themed rare crafting Recipes (which were both non-tradeable recipes until December 19th 2018): the one for the Snowball Turret (already crafted ones could and can be bought from Elfis for Rescued Toys during Christmas event-times too as items) and the rare crafting recipe for New Years Fireworks.

The item bundle for the Snowball Turret Bundle contained 10 already crafted Snowball Turrets, 10 already crafted New Years Fireworks, 300 Rescued Toys and 15 animated Holiday Giftboxes with random content that is very similar to the content of randomly spawning Holiday Gifts

All in all, the three bundles contained 30 Holiday Giftboxes in total.

The crafting recipes for the Frozen Container, the Holiday Music Box, the Snowball Turrets and the New Years Fireworks that were part of these reward bundles, were automatically permanently added to the crafting menu as soon as players claimed the bundles. At that time, there were no recipe books nor recipe pages for any of these rare seasonal winter-themed recipes that could be shared with other players. This changed in December 19th 2018 though, when all these seasonal Recipes became Recipe Books that could be traded/bought from Elfis.

After claiming the bundles, all these rare account-bound Recipes became available in the crafting menu on all game worlds, even on worlds with the "Pro" world option "world bound recipes" ("fresh start") enabled. Since December 19th 2018, the according Recipe Books have to be learnt (and by that consumed) like any other rare Recipe in order to be added to the crafting menu. Surplus Recipes can now be collected and stored in order to be given to other players (not via Adventures though).

In case of community bundles, often a relog (for this please exit the game completely, wait a few minutes, then re-enter the game) became necessary in order to make the recipes show up in the crafting menu if the reward bundles were not claimed in the main game screen, but ingame (until January 10th 2018).

As soon as the reward bundles had been unlocked (when the red-white striped slider has reached the according gift box icons) and were available, they could be claimed by clicking on the respective present icons on the slider either on the main game screen or ingame where they showed up when players opened the inventory/bag.

Afterwards, the according item bundles could be found in the inventory/bag in the "Bundle" section to be claimed on one game world of the receiver's choice. After claiming the bundles in the inventory, each of them turned into an one-way storage container that looked like a stack of wooden crates. They could be placed on the ground and activated with right-click or "f" (as the default key) like any other storage container so players could take the items from them.

Rescued Toys are still trade items that cannot be used, but only stored and then handed to Elfis during Christmas event-times in exchange for rare winter-themed Recipes and items.

How to open these special animated Holiday Giftboxes[]

To actually receive the content of these blue presents that players had obtained from the item bundles after claiming them from the inventory, the Holiday Giftboxes had to be placed from the quickbar into the game world.

Different from common storage containers and placeable reward chests for Quests, these presents will then automatically open after displaying a short animation - similar to Pumpkin Treasures, Royal Pumpkin Treasures and Pumpkiru's King Treasures that were available during Pumpkiru's Community Candy Campaign 2017.

When yellow Pigsies, red Rocksters, Pebbles, peaceful types of Leafies or blue-green common Chizzards are close by, they will be attracted to the Holiday Giftboxes while they open.  

You can right-click on these presents or activate them (by typing "f" as the default key) while pointing your cursor at them even without waiting for the animation to finish if you are in a hurry. 

Still, there is no way to close the containers in order to preserve them (and/or their content).  

Content of Holiday Giftboxes[]

Usually, every Holiday Giftbox will randomly contain 1-15 Rescued Toys (most often 12-14).

Additionally, Holiday Giftboxes might randomly contain:
