Creativerse Wiki
Creativerse Wiki
Creativerse Grassland01010
Creativerse Grassland001
Creativerse Grass
Creativerse Dirt001
Creativerse Tallgrass
Creativerse Ashenwood R23 6460
Creativerse Red Flower3030
Creativerse Cragwood R23 6450
Creativerse Yellow Flower383
Creativerse Red Mushroom002

Grassland is one of the first biomes you are going to see in Creativerse, as nearly all initial spawn-points of player-characters will be at a junction of Woodlands meeting Grassland.

Grasslands consist of low green grass-covered hills and only a few larger trees, but also smaller bushlike variants of these trees, complete with several Caves (usually found at the feet of the low hills and often at the base of trees) and an occasional river or even small lake sparkling in between.

As the name already indicates, the floor of this biome is mostly made of green Grass-blocks. Below this upper layer, Dirt can be found, then Stone and further down the Fossil layer already begins.

Dirt that is placed on the surface and touches green Grass will turn into Grass after a short while (as long as player-characters are nearby).

Only a few types of trees will grow in Grassland-biomes, usually only Cragwood-trees and Ashenwood-trees in the form of small "bushes" too. Very rarely Elderwood-trees can be seen (mostly in valleys between Mountains), or even extremely rare giant foliage trees.

Tallgrass (providing you with Wheat-seeds randomly) will grow on Grass in Grassland-biomes occasionally, as well as patches of 5 Red Mushrooms each. These mushrooms will even regrow - very slowly - in time.

Grasslands are peaceful biomes during the (ingame-)day. You will most likely see yellow Pigsies roaming around that will often spawn on Grass, perhaps also a few Leafies, plus rather rarely Rocksters near Water or Chizzards near trees.

At night Night Pigsies will pop up on Grass, maybe some Night Leafies and/or rarely Night Rocksters too. However more night creatures of these kinds might come out of Caves, occasionally even a Miru or two. Of course creatures from nearby biomes might intrude into Grassland-biomes here or there as well.

Wood Treasure Chests can occasionally pop up during (ingame-)night-times in dark places in range of view of player-characters in this biome.

Red Flowers can be found among the leaves of the birch-like Ashenwood-trees, while Yellow Flowers are hidden in a quite large amount amongst the leaves of Cragwood-trees. Vines will occasionally cover the stems of larger Cragwood-trees, Moss grows on most Ashenwood-trees, and on the top of some trees you might sometimes see Beeswax growing in small hives too.

Turnip and/or Lettuce are a rare finding in Grasslands or Tundras, they are more common in Woodlands, Forests and/or Swamplands.
