The Galactic Super Bundle was introduced to the Store with update R46 on September 6th, 2017. It can be bought with Coins that can be bought with real money in return.
This recipe bundle contains 18 premium crafting recipes for space-themed objects and blocks:
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Bay Doors
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Stairs
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Sleep Pods
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Striped Wall Slopes
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Ladders
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Captain's Chairs
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Terminals
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Lamps
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Floors
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Flux Incapacitators
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Portholes
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Grav-Chambers
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Hulls
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Walls
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Rounded Slopes
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Hull Slopes
- the crafting recipe for Galactic Pipes
- the crafting recipe for Galactic LEDs
These Store-bought recipes are available on all Creativerse worlds (will always "carry over") after being bought once, even on game worlds where the "Pro" world option "world bound recipes" is enabled. The crafting recipes will be added to your crafting menu and will already be unlocked.
The crafting recipes from this pack cannot be unlocked other than via Store, even when you receive the items and/or blocks themselves from other players who crafted them. Additional to the crafting recipe this bundle contains one item kit (that includes a number of examples of all blocks and items from the pack) and can be claimed on one Creativerse world of your choice.
The item kit for this Galactic Super Bundle contains over 5000 blocks (examples of all the 22 recipes):
- 30 Galactic Bay Doors
- 400 Galactic Stairs
- 30 Galactic Sleep Pods
- 200 Galactic Striped Wall Slopes
- 100 Galactic Ladders
- 30 Galactic Captain's Chairs
- 30 Galactic Terminals
- 100 Galactic Lamps
- 800x Galactic Floor
- 1 Galactic Flux Incapacitator
- 200 Galactic Portholes
- 10 Galactic Grav-Chambers
- 800x Galactic Hull
- 800x Galactic Wall
- 200 Galactic Rounded Slopes
- 800 Galactic Hull Slopes
- 200 Galactic Pipes
- 100 Galactic LEDs
- 200 Galactic Slabs (craftable from Galactic Walls in a Processor)
- 200 Galactic Hull Slabs (craftable from Galactic Hulls in a Processor)
- 25 Galactic Hull Slope Inner Corners (craftable from Galactic Hull Slopes in a Processor)
- 25 Galactic Hull Slope Outer Corners (craftable from Galactic Hull Slopes in a Processor)