Creativerse Wiki
Creativerse canyon creatures 2017-07-22 15-59-42-08
Creativerse Corruption Chizzard Pigsy Thing001
Creativerse shore with pebble rockster pigsy 2017-07-22 15-09-50-54

Basic Information[]

Every Creativerse game world is inhabited by 14 imaginative Creature types, divided into 38 subtypes.

During event-times around Halloween and around Christmas, some more subtypes can be encountered, like Ghost Creatures, Idol Event Creatures, Reaudolphs Trog Trap Event Creatures and speakable NPC traders - The Great Pumpkiru, Pumpkiru Jr. and Elfi.

All Creatures are tameable and can be kept as livestock that can be harvested from - except for some event Creatures (like the Pumpkirus or Elfis for example), and all Creatures that are spawned by Mob Spawners.

Tamed Creatures will provide you with ca. 3 times the amount of animal materials after you have fed them their exact favorite type of Food. Taming times can be significantly reduced by unlocking the Rancher Badge through questing.


In Creativerse, each Creature type has a special behavior-pattern and a unique "fighting"-style (a few will run away instead of fighting though), like poisoning player characters, sending player characters flying, setting them on fire, dealing cold damage over time or calling out for help to other Creatures nearby.

Many peaceful Creatures will run from nearby fights, explosions or the like too with specific "scared"-animations. They will also run away from fires caused by Fire Bombs for example or when they are pushed with a player's ArcTek Gauntlet towards flames.

Some Creatures can be "charmed" by Perfumes (and Love Potions) and can be made to follow player characters for a while, which is different from actually taming them and keeping them as Pets.

14 of the common Creatures in Creativerse are peaceful (all of them spawn on surface blocks during the day), 5 Creatures are non-resisting flight animals, 21 Creatures are aggressive. 4 of the aggressive Creature types are daylight-loving surface-dwellers, 1 is a giant Boss Creature (Rockzilla), 7 are Night Creatures, 6 are Corrupted Creatures (including the tough Thing), and 3 are other types of Underground Creatures: Mirus, Warmworms and Hot Feet.

During seasonal events, additional Creatures will spawn and others can be summoned with Haunted Idols and Trog Traps. These items are available during event-times, but can be saved and used all throughout the year. You can even buy them outside of their season by subscribing to player Blueprints that offer placeable Idols (take care that they are not just placed into slots of any display containers though) and then buy the block kit.

Idol Event Creatures are: Eidoleafis, Polturpigsies, Hauntsters, Poultrygeists, Mirghouls, Ghostevils, Soulkeepas, Wraithworms, Ghostzilla, Clarice The Eternal Ominous BossHog, W'urm The Infernal and Th'ang The Unyielding. Ghost Creatures also usually only appear at night during Halloween event-times for ca. one month: Ghost Leafies, Ghost Pigsies, Ghost Chizzards, Ghost Rocksters and Ghost Mirus.

Trog Trap Event Creatures are: Ice Spies, Target Arctic Mirus, in a way maybe also Toy Drive Targets (and Pine Trees, since they have to be "killed" too?), Troggington's Minions (Chizzard Minions, Miru Minions, Rambeau Minions and Coolworm Minions), and Troggington III The Abominable Frost Trog himself.

Creativerse also has NPCs: The Great Pumpkiru, Pumpkiru Jr., Elfi and (in a way) QB.

List of Creatures currently in the game:[]

Health points have been provided by Playful, they are the same in all combat difficulty modes, but the efficiency of Weapons differs depending on the Creature (resistance, vulnerability & armor points). Taming times can be greatly reduced by obtaining the Rancher Badge, received through questing.

Image Name Description Health Taming
Pigsy Peaceful, but fights back when being attacked/tamed. Spawns mainly on blocks of Grass, Dead Grass, Snow Caps and Savannah Grass in many Biomes during the day. 85 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Pigsy Night
Night Pigsy Aggressive. Spawns mainly on Grass, Dead Grass, Savannah Grass, also on Bedrock, Limestone and other rocks from the Fossil layer as well as in Caves, only in darkness (day and night). Burns and perishes in sunlight. 120 7,5 sec.

Rancher: 1,5 sec.

Creativerse mob icon arc sign ghost pigsy 2018-12-02 20-58-42-24
Ghost Pigsy Peaceful, runs away when players approach, doesn't fight back. Spawns on natural blocks on the surface in complete darkness only at night during event times like Haunted Nights. Burns and perishes in sunlight. Requires 3 hits with any Weapon 100 5 sec.
Night Hoglet
Night Hoglet Aggressive. Spawns on green Grass mainly in Forests and Woodlands, occasionally also in Grassland; only at night in dark areas. Younger and weaker version of the Night Pigsy. 50 7,5 sec.

Rancher: 1,5 sec.

Pigsy Feral
Feral Pigsy Aggressive. Spawns on Detritus like found in Jungles and near Bog Water as found in Swamplands during the day. 375 7,5 sec.

Rancher: 1,5 sec.

Hog Boss
BossHog Aggressive, warns, short aggro-range. Spawns on Savannah Grass found in Savannahs during day and night. Fire resistant. Can call Pigsies and other Creatures for help during a fight. 460 15 sec.

Rancher: 3 sec.

Pigsy Corruption
Corrupted Pigsy Aggressive. Spawns on any kind of corrupted blocks like found on the Corruption layer deep underground only in darkness (day & night). Can prevail in sunlight. Corruption resistant. 500 25 sec.

Rancher: 5 sec.

Leafi Peaceful, runs away slowly and occasionally stops when being attacked/tamed. Spawns on Detritus and nearly every kind of tree Leaves, during daytime, mainly under trees in Jungles, Forests, Grasslands and Taigas. 85 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Leafi Autumn 1
Leafi Autumn 2
Leafi Autumn 3
Autumn Leafies Peaceful, but fights back when being attacked/tamed. Spawns under and on Autumnwood trees during the day. Comes in 3 different colors. 150 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Creativerse creature icon Night Leafi 2018 July 5
Night Leafi Aggressive. Spawns on nearly all kinds of tree Leaves and close to trees in darkness, mainly during the night. Often found in Jungles and Forests. Burns and perishes in sunlight. 120 7,5 sec.

Rancher: 1,5 sec.

Leafi Twiggy
Night Twiggy Aggressive. Spawns close to or on trees in Forests and Woodlands, sometimes also on Grassland, in darkness and only at night. Younger and weaker version of the Night Leafi. 50 7,5 sec.

Rancher: 1,5 sec.

Leafi Dry
Dried Leafi Peaceful, but fights back when being attacked/tamed. Spawns close to (or on) Cacti in Canyons and Dunes as well as in oases of Canyons during the day. 375 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Leafi Mossy
Mossy Leafi Peaceful, but fights back when being attacked/tamed. Spawns on Weepwood Leaves, Weepwood Logs and close to Bog Water in Swamplands, occasionally in Jungles too, only during the day. 375 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Leafi Corruption
Corrupted Leafi Aggressive. Spawns in darkness on Corrupted Leaves and occasionally on any other corrupted block like found on the Corruption layer deep underground (day & night). Prevails in sunlight. Corruption resistant. 500 25 sec.
Creativerse mob icon arc sign ghost leafi 2018-12-02 20-58-19-93
Ghost Leafi Peaceful, runs away when players approach, doesn't fight back. Spawns on many surface blocks in darkness only at night during event times like Haunted Nights. Burns and perishes in sunlight. Requires 3 hits with any Weapon 100 5 sec.
Mob babyleafi icon
Baby Leafi Peaceful, but fights back when being attacked/tamed. Spawns near any kind of Leaves on the surface during the day. 50 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Pebble Peaceful, but fights back when being attacked/tamed. Spawns mainly on Sand close to Water just like Rocksters, only during the day. Can call other Pebbles and Rocksters for help when agitated. 100 10 sec.

Rancher: 2 sec.

Creativerse-Creature-Pebble-Dusk-2023-04-27 09 11 46-Window
Dusk Pebble Peaceful, but fights back when being attacked/tamed. Spawns at night, mainly on Sand near Water. Can call other Dusk Pebbles or Night Rocksters for help when in danger. 90 10 sec.
Rockster Peaceful, but fights back when being attacked/tamed. Spawns during the day mainly on or close to Sand near Water or other liquids, on Shores, next to rivers and around lakes. 135 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Rockster Night
Night Rockster Aggressive. Spawns in darkness close to Water or other liquids, also on Limestone and Bedrock like found on the Fossil layer, and on rocks of the Stalactite layer (day & night) when close to Mineral Water. Burns and perishes in sunlight. 150 7,5 sec.

Rancher: 1,5 sec.

Creativerse creature icon corrupted Rockster 2018 July 5
Corrupted Rockster Aggressive. Spawns in darkness on corrupted blocks like found on the Corruption layer underground (day & night). Prevails in sunlight. Corruption resistant. 500 25 sec.

Rancher: 5 sec.

Creativerse mob icon arc sign ghost rockster 2018-12-02 20-58-32-17
Ghost Rockster Peaceful, runs away when players approach, doesn't fight back. Uncommon. Spawns on the surface mainly at Shores near Sand and Water in darkness, only at night during event times like Haunted Nights. Burns and perishes in sunlight. Requires 3 hits with any Weapon 150 5 sec.
Rockzilla Agressive. Can only spawn on player-made "altars", requires artificial light and specific crafted blocks, only during the day. Giant version of the Rockster. Strong, long reach. 1500 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Chizzard Peaceful, but fights back when being attacked/tamed. Spawns on Shorewood, also in Canyons close to oases with Mineral Water pools and in Jungles near or on Wildwood trees, only during the day. 200 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Chizard Night
Night Chizzard Aggressive. Spawns in darkness on Snow (often close to Dead Grass), in Canyons, near/on Shorewood, in Jungles and on many kinds of tree Leaves mainly at night. Burns and perishes in sunlight. 300 7,5 sec.

Rancher: 1,5 sec.

Chizard Blizzard
Blizzard Chizzard Peaceful, but fights back when being attacked/tamed. Cold resistant. Spawns on Snow like found in Tundras, Taigas, Mountains, Frozen Deserts and ice-covered Ocean Shores during the day. 400 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Chizard Corruption
Corrupted Chizzard Aggressive. Spawns in darkness on any kind of corrupted blocks like found on the Corruption layer deep underground (day & night), prevails in sunlight. Corruption resistant. 500 25 sec.

Rancher: 5 sec.

Creativerse mob icon arc sign ghost chizzard 2018-12-02 20-58-26-23
Ghost Chizzard Peaceful, runs away when players approach, doesn't fight back. Uncommon. Spawns on the surface at night at Shores (near Water and Sand) in darkness only at night during event times like Haunted Nights. Burns and perishes in sunlight. Requires 3 hits with any Weapon 100 5 sec.
Miru Aggressive. Spawns in darkness on Stalactite and Siltstone like found on the Stalactite layer underground, also on Limestone and Bedrock like found in the Fossil layer (day & night). Burns and perishes in sunlight. 500 7,5 sec.

Rancher: 1,5 sec.

Miru Arctic
Arctic Miru Aggressive. Spawns in darkness on Peakstone like found high up in Mountains and also on Snow and Ice like in Taigas, Tundras or frozen Oceans, mainly during the night. Burns and perishes in sunlight. 400 7,5 sec.

Rancher: 1,5 sec.

Miru Corrupt
Corrupted Miru Aggressive. Spawns in darkness on any corrupted blocks like found on the Corruption layer deep underground (day & night), prevails in sunlight. Corruption resistant. 550 25 sec.

Rancher: 5 sec.

Creativerse mob icon arc sign ghost miru 2018-12-02 20-58-37-76
Ghost Miru Peaceful, runs away when players approach, doesn't fight back. Rare. Spawns in darkness underground like on the Fossil layer and Stalactite layer, only at night during event times like Haunted Nights. Burns and perishes in sunlight. Requires 3 hits with any Weapon 250 7,5 sec.
Mob karrotfish icon
Karrotfish Peaceful, doesn't fight back. Spawns in Water or Mineral Water at any time. 20 Not tamable.
Mob parroki icon
Parroki Peaceful, but fights back when being attacked/tamed. Spawns near trees in Savannahs, Jungles or Shores. 540 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Shrewdshrew Peaceful, but fights back when being attacked/tamed. Fire resistant. Spawns on Savannah Grass found in Savannahs during the day. Spits fire when agitated that can set flammable materials on fire. 500 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Rambeau Peaceful, but fights back when being attacked/tamed. Cold resistant. Spawns on or near Peakstone like high up in the Mountains during day and night. Uses head ram with additional cold damage over time. 460 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Creativerse Reinbeau small 2019-01-31 23-43-04-77
Reinbeau Peaceful, runs away when players approach, then stops and doesn't fight back. Cold resistant. Spawns on Peakstone and in the Mountains during night and day. Will also appear during Christmas event with different loot. 450 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Dust Devil
Dustevil Aggressive. Spawns near Cacti and on any kind of Canyon blocks like Sandstone, Canyon Floor, Dark Canyonstone, Ruddy Canyonstone and rare Canyonstone during the day. 500 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

Trog Aggressive. Can spawn on any kind of Canyon rocks like Sandstone, Canyon Floor, Ruddy Canyonstone, rare Canyonstone and Dark Canyonstone during the day. Long reach, pretty strong; can heal itself. 400 5 sec.

Rancher: 1 sec.

2023-04-23 23 14 28-Window
Swamp Trog Aggressive. Spawns in Swamplands during the day. Can be found near Mossy Weepwood trees. It's very strong and can heal itself. 505 5 sec.
Creativerse creature icon Warmworm 2018 July 5
Warmworm Aggressive. Immovable. Spawns in darkness on blocks found on the Stalactite layer and Lava layer underground, like Hardened Lava, Igneous Rock, Tourmaline, Sulfur or Diamond Nodes (day & night). Fire resistant. Can prevail in sunlight. 400 10 sec.

Rancher: 2 sec.

Hot Foot Aggressive. Spawns in dim light and darkness on blocks found on the Lava layer deep underground like Hardened Lava, Igneous Rock or Sulfur (day & night). Deals burning damage over time, cannot set flammable materials on fire. Fire resistant. Burns and perishes in sunlight. 400 10 sec.

Rancher: 2 sec.

Thing Aggressive. Spawns on any kind of corrupted blocks like found on the Corruption layer. Prevails in sunlight. Corruption resistant. Very tough and strong, exceptional loot/pet-harvest including one special rare Recipe (Super Extractor) 2500 30 sec.

Rancher: 6 sec.

Keepa Peaceful, runs away when players approach, doesn't fight back. Can spawn on any solid (even crafted) blocks during day and night, most often on corrupted blocks like found on the Corruption layer. 90 15 sec.

Rancher: 3 sec.

Keepa Silver
Silver Keepa Peaceful, runs away when players approach, doesn't fight back. Can spawn on any solid blocks during day and night, most often on corrupted blocks like found on the Corruption layer. Rarer variant of the common blue Keepa with better loot/pet-harvest. 100 15 sec.
Keepa Gold
Golden Keepa Peaceful, runs away when players approach, doesn't fight back. Can spawn on any solid block during day and night, most often on corrupted blocks like found on the Corruption layer. Even rarer variant of Keepas with even better loot/pet-harvest. 120 15 sec.
Creativerse creature spectre
Spectre Currently not in the game, has formerly spawned only in complete darkness on surface blocks, was able to blow up terrain and crafted structures when startled by players, much like Creepers. Still "benched" because of this misbehaviour. unknown cannot be tamed
Creativerse mob icon arc sign Clarice 2018-12-02 20-49-56-89
Clarice The Eternal Ominous Hog Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with an Infused Haunted Idol during day and night in any biome when the event "Clarice's Revenge" is initiated, together with randomly summoned Polturpigsies. Can also appear during the event "Defective Idol" that is randomly initiated when placing an Unleashed Idol. No durability loss of player Weapon and Armor 40 hits with Obsidian to Lumite level Weapon 7,5 sec.
Creativerse mob icon arc sign ghostevil 2018-12-02 20-50-00-85
Ghostevil Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with an Infused Haunted Idol during day and night in any biome when the event "Who you gonna call?" is initiated. Will appear after and together with other red ghostly Creatures. Can also appear during the third tier event "Defective Idol" that is initiated by placing Unleashed Idols. No durability loss of player Weapon and Armor 27 hits with Obsidian to Lumite level Weapon 5 sec.
Creativerse creature icons ghostzilla self-made and weird
Ghostzilla Defensive. Can randomly be spawned with an Infused Haunted Idol during day and night in any biome when the event "Ghostzilla 2000" is initiated, together with randomly summoned Hauntsters. No durability loss of player Weapon and Armor 27 hits with Obsidian to Lumite level Weapon 10 sec.
Creativerse mob icon arc sign eidoleafi 2018-12-02 20-50-02-77
Eidoleafi Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with an Haunted Idol, Infused Haunted Idol or Unleashed Haunted Idol during day and night in any biome. Events like "Bushel of Eidoleafis" and "Eidoleafi Train" only consist of Eidoleafis, while third tier events like "Defective Idol" can spawn Eidoleafis additionally to other Creatures. No durability loss of player Weapon and Armor 9 hits with Obsidian to Lumite level Weapon 5 sec.
Creativerse mob icon arc sign hauntster 2018-12-02 20-50-11-63
Hauntster Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with an Haunted Idol, Infused Haunted Idol or Unleashed Haunted Idol during day and night in any biome. Events like "A Haunt of Hauntsters" and "Rock N' Roll" only consist of Hauntsters, while third tier events like "Ghostzilla 2000" can feature Hauntsters additionally to other Creatures. No durability loss of player Weapon and Armor 9 hits with Obsidian to Lumite level Weapon 5 sec.
Creativerse mob icon arc sign mirghoul 2018-12-02 20-50-04-46
Mirghoul Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with an Haunted Idol, Infused Haunted Idol or Unleashed Haunted Idol during day and night in any biome. Events like "All Eyes On You" and "The Thrills" only consist of Mirghouls, while third tier events like "W'urm! W'urm! W'urm!" can spawn Mirghouls additionally to other Creatures. No durability loss of player Weapon and Armor 17 hits with Obsidian to Lumite level Weapon 30 sec.
Creativerse mob icon arc sign polturpigsy 2018-12-02 20-50-05-68
Polturpigsy Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with an Haunted Idol, Infused Haunted Idol or Unleashed Haunted Idol during day and night in any biome. Events like "Polturpigsy Horde" and "Polturpigsy Parade" only consist of Polturpigsies, while events like "Clarice's revenge" can spawn Polturpigsies additionally to other Creatures. No durability loss of player Weapon and Armor 9 hits with Obsidian to Lumite level Weapon 5 sec.
Creativerse mob icon arc sign poultrygeist 2018-12-02 20-50-00-30
Poultrygeist Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with an Haunted Idol, Infused Haunted Idol or Unleashed Haunted Idol during day and night in any biome. Events like "The Otherworldly Meat" and "Chicken Chaser" only consist of Poultry-Geists, while events like "W'urm! W'urm! W'urm!" can spawn Poultry-Geists additionally to other Creatures. No durability loss of player Weapon and Armor 9 hits with Obsidian to Lumite level Weapon 5 sec.
Creativerse creature icons soulkeepa self-made and weird
Soulkeepa Peaceful, runs away when players approach, doesn't fight back. Can randomly be spawned with an Haunted Idol, Infused Haunted Idol or Unleashed Haunted Idol during day and night in any biome. The according events are called "Soulkeepa Party" and "Soulkeepa Explosion", not rewarded with Reward Ghost Treasure chests. No durability loss of player Weapon and Armor 10 hits with any


15 sec.
Creativerse mob icon arc sign th'ang 2018-12-02 20-50-12-88
Th'ang The Unyielding Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Very strong and tough, similar to its close relative, the Thing. Can randomly be spawned with an Unleashed Haunted Idol during day and night in any biome when the event "Th'ang rises" is initiated, and will then have to be defeated 3 times. Can also appear during the third tier event "Defective Idol" that is randomly initiated when placing an Unleashed Idol. No durability loss of player Weapon and Armor 54 hits with Stone to Lumite level Weapon 10 sec.
Creativerse mob icon arc sign w'urm 2018-12-02 20-50-14-23
W'urm The Infernal Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with an Unleashed Haunted Idol during day and night in any biome when the event "W'urm! W'urm! W'urm!" is initiated. Will randomly summon other red ghostly Creatures as helpers. No durability loss of player Weapon and Armor 135 hits with any Weapon 30 sec.
Creativerse mob icon arc sign wraithworm 2018-12-02 20-50-17-34
Wraithworm Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with an Haunted Idol or Infused Haunted Idol during day and night in any biome. The according event is called "Whack-a-Worm" and will always be rewarded with an Infused Haunted Idol or rarely no Idol in its Haunted Ghost Treasure reward chest. No durability loss of player Weapon and Armor 3 hits with any Weapon 10 sec.
Creativerse Ice Spy Chizzard 2019-01-02 14-41-50-90
Creativerse Ice Spy Leafi 2019-01-02 14-41-45-92
Ice Spies Peaceful and unresisting. Can randomly be spawned with any Trog Trap during day and night in any biome. Will appear if the Trog Trap Event "Ice Spy" (tier 1-3) is randomly initiated. 3 hits with any Weapon Leafi: 5 sec.

Blizzard Chizzard: 7,5 sec.

Creativerse Target Arctic Miru 2019-02-01 21-27-37-02
Target Arctic Miru Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with a Small Trog Trap during day and night in any biome. Throws Snowcubes, preferably from a range. Will appear if the Trog Trap Event "Snowball Fight" is randomly initiated. Vulnerable to Snowcubes only. 1 hit with a Snowcube 5 sec.
Creativerse chizzard minion 2019-02-02 05-33-11-82
Chizzard Minion Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with a Medium Trog Trap or Large Trog Trap during day and night in any biome. Will appear if the Trog Trap Events "Get to the Capture", "King of the Chill" or "Troggington fights back" are randomly initiated. 9 hits with a Lumite level Weapon cannot be tamed
Creativerse miru minion 2019-02-02 05-33-25-15
Miru Minion Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with a Medium Trog Trap or Large Trog Trap during day and night in any biome. Will appear if the Trog Trap Events "Get to the Capture", "King of the Chill" or "Troggington fights back" are randomly initiated. Throws Snowcubes. 5 hits with a Lumite level Weapon 5 sec.
Creativerse rambeau minion 2019-02-02 05-34-14-87
Rambeau Minion Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with a Medium Trog Trap or Large Trog Trap during day and night in any biome. Will appear if the Trog Trap Events "Get to the Capture", "King of the Chill" or "Troggington fights back" are randomly initiated. 5 hits with a Lumite level Weapon cannot be tamed
Creativerse coolworm minion 2019-02-02 05-34-04-30
Coolworm Minion Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with a Medium Trog Trap or Large Trog Trap during day and night in any biome. Will appear if the Trog Trap Events "King of the Chill" or "Troggington fights back" are randomly initiated. Immobile. 9 hits with a Lumite level Weapon cannot be tamed (yet)
Creativerse creature icon Troggington 2018 July 5
Troggington Aggressive, even on game worlds set to "peaceful Creatures". Can randomly be spawned with a Large Trog Trap during day and night in any biome. Will only appear if the Trog Trap Event "Troggington fights back" is randomly initiated. Very tough, long reach, often sends player characters flying. 20 hit's with a luminite sword 5 sec.
Creativerse Reaudolph 2018-12-20 14-39-40-31
Reaudolph Peaceful, rare, very fast. Glowing red nose illuminates the area in front. Runs away when players approach, occasionally stops, then doesn't fight back. Spawns on Snow and Ice but also other biomes only during Christmas event. Occasionally drops 100-200 Rescued Toys. 450 5 sec.

Spawning specifics[]

Nearly all Biomes made of solid rocks on the surface have their own endemic animal population, as do all the different underground layers.

The reason for this is that nearly all Creatures can only spawn on or at least very close to specific solid natural blocks in areas that aren't lit by artificial lighting - usually only when certain additional parameters are also met, like only during the day or only at night, only in Woodlands, Forests or Grasslands, only near bodies of Water or other liquids, etc.

Please note that Creatures will only start to spawn when player characters get into a certain "range", from very close up to approx. range of sight, but not always in direct line of sight, as well as several blocks below and above (like in Caves and on treetops).

Different from other games, it is possible that Creatures might spawn directly next to the player character if other spawn conditions apply. Usually, a certain amount of Creatures spawns within the range of a chunk, then no more Creatures will spawn. However, if only few Creatures are around or new types of blocks are placed, especially artificial biomes made of natural ground blocks, then new Creatures can spawn very close to the player character. Also, when night falls, or more often, in caves that are not lit by artificial light sources nor by sunlight, sunlight sensitive Creatures can spawn closely around the player character.

Kindly note that the Flashlight will not prevent Creatures from spawning, since it is not considered a proper artificial light source. Neither are LEDs and beacons. Only torches, lamps, lanterns, chandeliers, campfires, candles and other actual "lightings" will prevent Creatures from spawning on all lit blocks around.

No wild Creatures rove about in any areas or biomes where no player characters are nearby. So when player characters travel the land, more and more Creatures will spawn in a certain proximity around them. It seems that only a maximum amount of Creatures is able to spawn within a certain radius, so even if several player characters arrive at a spot one after another, this will not make more and more Creatures spawn.

When all player characters leave an area, the Creatures that have spawned will vanish after a while; sometimes very quickly even. Daylight Creatures will not despawn automatically when night falls otherwise, and Night Creatures will not despawn in the morning, but since most Night Creatures are sunlight-intolerant, they will usually burn to nothingness when hit by sunlight. They are able to prevail in dark areas like in Caves though.

Creatures will not spawn on areas that are illuminated by artificial lightings - which excluded LEDs and any other glowing block or item that does not illuminate its surrounding. The artificial light of torches and lamps will also prevent daylight Creatures from spawning nearby on all the blocks that are illuminated by the luminaires.

Creatures can be spawned on player-made artificial Biomes[]

Only a few types of Creatures can spawn on crafted blocks: Keepas (of all kinds), Rockzilla, summonable Idol Event Creature and summonable Trog Trap Event Creatures.

Night Twiggies and Night Hoglets usually only spawn in certain biomes, most often Woodlands, but also in Forests.

Ghost Creatures will spawn "naturally" only at night during event times on solid natural blocks, most of them on the surface, except for Ghost Mirus.

Most other Creatures are programmed to spawn on very specific solid natural blocks or a combination of blocks and materials (rarely also just right next to them) - as said, in areas that aren't lit by artificial light.

So these Creatures can be made to spawn on player-made arenas (just like in Terraria for that matter).

The floor of such an arena (also called "spawner" or "artificial biome") has to be made out of specific natural blocks, depending on the Creatures that you want to spawn. Sometimes the blocks have to be combined with certain plants and/or liquids in order to become efficient "spawners" too.

Ideally, an arena should be 16x16 blocks in size, since one chunk is the size of 16x16x16 blocks (the chat-command /sim will let you know more about the chunk you're in). However, placing 10x10 blocks is already enough for Creatures to appear, sometimes just a handful of blocks will be sufficient even - but of course the chances that Creatures will appear on only a few blocks are quite small.

A "thickness" of only one block is sufficient for the floor of artificial biomes / arenas to work, however, sometimes Creatures and also randomly spawning Treasure Chests might glitch downwards through it. On the other hand, arenas can have more than one level too, since most often altitude does not matter for Creatures to spawn.

Some Creatures require additional conditions - many of them can only spawn in complete darkness for example, with no sunlight reaching in - best achieved by adding walls and a ceiling to the respective arena/s. Another option would be to visit the arena/s only at night or to induce nightfall by using a Bed.

Other Creatures require a mix of blocks to spawn (like Rocksters and Pebbles that spawn most often on blocks of Sand, but also prefer some units of liquids like Water to be nearby additionally). Wildwood Flowers can be used to provide some light without preventing Creatures from spawning (but these Flowers might make common Chizzards spawn during the day additionally, and Night Chizzards at night). LEDs, Hardened Lava and glowing crafted blocks/items will not illuminate their surroundings and such won't hinder Creatures from spawning either.

Since only a certain maximum amount of Creatures is able to spawn within an area, make sure that there are no or not too many underground Caves below your artificial biomes. You could build them over Oceans or floating in the sky. Please note that it's possible that Creatures (and Treasure Chests) might occasionally drop through the ground in this case; and they might also sometimes suddenly perform a super-jump high up into the sky, even through ceilings.

Building several artificial biomes next to each other might result in some of them not spawning anything, and if you teleport into the area via Touchstone or Teleporter, no Creatures might spawn close to this entry point.

Some spawning conditions are hard to create though, for example the exact requirements to make Night Hoglets and Night Twiggies spawn.

Artificial biomes close to player bases (where players spawn on their touchstones) can be problematic, since Creatures don't seem to spawn well around touchstones. Also leaving an artificial Biome and then returning soon after might result in all Creatures despawning but not respawning again so quickly.

A reliable Creature spawner arena has been created by Entuland and can be found as a Blueprint here:

You can use such spawners as an example for how to build your own artificial biomes. Many players prefer to place Teleporters strategically on or next to artificial biomes so that Creatures will eventually wander into them and will then be teleported into automatic kill-traps (usually filled with liquids that will drown them and/or with a bottom made of Slabs or blocks with small holes that will enable safe taming from below).

All Creatures except for some event Creatures and Rockzilla can also be spawned by players with a Mob Spawner; however please note that Creatures spawned by Mob Spawners are not tamable and also won't drop any loot bags when killed, except for one loot bag that will contain all the stuff that players themselves provide to the inventory of the Mob Spawner - this will be dropped by the first Creature that will appear on the Mob Spawner as soon as it dies or is killed. Be careful not to leave the area though, because the loot might vanish together with the spawned Creature when it despawns.

Mob Spawners are Machines that are not intended to provide unlimited amount of loot! Instead they were developed in order to be used in Adventures or other types of game content that players can create for other players. Such, the Mobs can drop specific loot provided by the Adventure creator / Mob Spawner owner for the player/s who will kill the first Creature that is spawned.

Taming Creatures in order to make them become your Pets[]

Nearly all Creatures in Creativerse can be tamed by equipping a Taming Collar and holding down the left mouse button (by default) while pointing the cursor on a Creature for certain amount of time. This can take up to 30 seconds maximum (formerly 60 seconds for Things), depending on the specific Creature variant.

By achieving the Rancher Badge through questing, all taming times can be reduced greatly: 1 second instead of 5 seconds, 1,5 seconds instead of 7,5 seconds, 2 seconds instead of 10 seconds, 3 seconds instead of 15 seconds, 5 seconds instead of 25 seconds, 6 seconds instead of 30 seconds, etc.

Again please note that Creatures spawned by a Mob Spawner and some event Creatures like Reaudolphs and some of Troggington's Minions cannot be tamed. Some might never become tameble, most especially all the speakable NPC traders (The Great Pumpkirus, Pumpkiru Jr.s and Elfis).

Most Creatures will fight back when being tamed, so throwing Stun Bombs is very recommendable, but with caution, since using too many Stun Bombs can result in killing Creatures. Making use of the many sandbox-options of this game in order to prepare the terrain or trap Creatures is advised.

Creatures can be lured, pushed or chased into (departure) Teleporters for example. If the according destination Teleporter is placed above or inside a small closed room, Creatures can be safely tamed from below if the bottom of this trap is made of Slabs or any blocks/objects that provides for small holes that the Creatures cannot slip through.

As soon as Creatures have been tamed, they will be practically immortal - except if they are dismissed by players. They will follow the player by default right after the taming was successful. After being led to their "stables", Pets can be told either to stay or to wander around - best in fenced-in corrals of course.

When dismissed, Pets will drop exactly the same loot in a common Loot Bag as they would if they were hunted and killed, except for all event Creatures (Ghost Creatures, red ghostly giant Idol Event Creatures and Trog Trap Event Creatures) that will drop the same kind of loot like their most common "brethren".

Only Pet owner and players with the according (or higher) permission rank as the permission setting of the Pet can dismiss Pets though. The permission level of the Pets has also be met in order to feed them, harvest from them, clean them and push them with an ArcTek Gauntlet.

Pets can be harvested from and will usually provide players with the same items through the harvest like they would drop when being killed, just in a higher amount (ca. three times), with a higher chance for Globs of Goo, Sinews and Bones.

The pet-harvst of all Keepa types is of higher quality as their loot when they are killed (including Soulkeepa Pets). They might provide you with up to 12 Arcstones as a pet-harvest, however more often only 6-8 of them. So Silver Keepas and Golden Keepas still have the chance to "drop" more Arcstones when they are killed than they will provide as a pet-harvest.

Each Pet has its own favorite Food (check its pet window by right-clicking the pet) type and can then be "harvested" from a while after it has been fed. However, a Pet will provide you with its best harvest only if it has been fed its favorite Food via pet window (right click or drag & drop). For example: if a Pet likes Turnip Sandwiches, then no other types of Sandwiches will do. Otherwise the harvest will be less satisfying.

As Pets, most Creatures have additional animations for eating that can only be seen in the Pet window, and also individual animations when being cleaned.

Chizzard Eggs, Blizzard Chizzard Eggs and Pigsy Droppings can only be obtained by harvesting Pets and will never drop from Chizzard type Creatures respectively Pigsy type Creatures when they're killed. On the other hand, Things, Silver Keepas and Golden Keepas have a chance to drop their best possible loot if killed, even though the amount of pet-harvest was tripled with update R58 on December 19th 2018 and the difference is not really very visible anymore.

Pets need to be washed with a Washer after the harvest before they can get hungry again. Pets can also be named individually and can be "dressed" with accessories like Top Hats or Bow Ties in order to look differently.


A bug is known to displace Pets once in a while after you've told them to "stay" or "wander". If you can't find your Pets, check your Map (default key "m" to open your map) for cyan blue dots.

Hover your mouse cursor over these dots to see the name of your Pets and to find out if the missing ones are still in the same area/on the claim where you've put them. They might be further down in a Cave, or up on the roof, or may have been displayed sideways to somewhere outside their "stables".

Another bug that is still around that now and then stops Pets when they follow you so they won't follow you through a Teleporter or will simply stop if you go too fast (like with a Glider) for them to catch up.

Usually these Pets can be found at the place where they have stopped following you. They might still be set to "follow", but it's possible that they won't move at all until you set them to "stay" (in their pet window when you "activate" them with right click or "f" as the default key), then step back several blocks and afterwards set them to "follow" again.

The same goes for Pets that won't continue to follow you after your player character was defeated or after you have logged out/were disconnected. Just tell them to "stay" first, and then to "follow" you again.

It also should not be possible to feed Pets more than once when they are already satiated. However, bugs might occur that can allow for this to happen, and in this case the food will be lost. Bug reports have shown that such bugs most often seem related to Red Mushrooms, Brown Mushrooms and ordinary Bread.

So please be careful when feeding Pets with these types of Food so that you will avoid feeding them more than one unit. As for Mushrooms; you might not be able to feed two Pets in a row with the same type of Mushrooms, but either feed another Pet their favorite Food of another type in between, or do something else.

The very old bug that has once eaten "wandering" Pets one after another is supposed to be fixed though.

Lately a rare bug has emerged that might let Pets disappear if you leave them right after leading them to their "stables". To prevent this, it is recommended to stay with your Pets for 1-2 minutes in order to give the game time to save all the chunks with the Pets on them correctly. After that, it will be safe to leave the area again.  

Fighting Creatures[]

All Creatures in Creativerse except for Pets can be fought and killed, and all Creatures (except for those that players can spawn themselves on Mob Spawners) will drop specific animal materials and/or other items and materials in their Loot Bags.

Only seasonal Event Creatures (Idol Event Creatures and Trog Trap Event Creatures) will not always drop a Loot Bag when killed, but only occasionally instead. Loot Bags dropped by Ghost Creatures and Idol Event Creatures are usually called "Ghost Loot".

When fighting Creatures with a melee Weapon, always try circling them (you don't need to sprint), except for unresisting Creatures that will just keep running away: common green Leafies (also Leafi Ice Spies), common blue Keepas, uncommon Silver Keepas, rare Golden Keepas, all 5 Ghost Creature types, Soulkeepas, Reinbeaus and Reaudolphs.

All Creatures are pretty slow, that's why you can outrun most Creatures even without using Sprint. So you can even hit the common Boss Mobs of the game (Rockzilla, the Thing), as well as event Creatures like Th'ang, W'urm and Troggington that are even stronger, without being hit yourself, if you just run around them while whacking at them. You can simply hold down the left mouse button for auto-hitting (as the default keysetting) if you like.

The AOE Gauntlet Smash can kill many Creatures up to Corrupted Mirus with just one hit if you have a Lumite-level Sword equipped. Things can be killed with 2-3 Power Attacks, however you have to be rather close to them in order to inflict the utmost possible damage. Luckily, Gauntlet Smashes tend to push Creatures away too, so it's easier to bridge the waiting time for your Stamina to regenerate until you can use the Gauntlet Smash again (you'll need 75% of your Stamina regenerated).

All Creatures can theoretically swim in any kind of liquid, but in reality they tend to sink to the ground pretty soon and then will eventually drown nowadays, which will cause them to leave Loot Bags behind. An easy killing strategy for beginners is to lure Creatures to the shores of Oceans and go for a swim, leading the Creatures into the water where they will eventually perish.

Currently no Creature can climb or jump up a height of three blocks or higher. They also cannot use ladders or doors, cannot climb over fences (even when only 1 block in height, unless you create a "breach" by placing something right next to the fence or even on top of it) and cannot cross gaps, not even of 1 block in width. So you can use all that to your advantage.

Please note that all Creatures can hit player characters through Fences, (Iron) Bars, Bamboo, Window Lattices, Ladders and other small holes that they cannot slip through, like holes that you can create by rotating slabs or slopes and the like. However, they will not hit you if you use the aforementioned blocks, shapes or objects as a floor or bottom of a trap and hit Creatures through the holes from below - except for W'urm (an Idol Event Creature) that can only be safely be hit when standing exactly on the block right below him, since W'urm can "dig" downwards and is able to attack players up to a range of ca. 6 blocks.

Also please take into consideration that Creatures do not take any falling damage in Creativerse.

Creatures are known to occasionally glitch cause of a bug, and such can suddenly vanish underground, "jump" upwards through ceilings or can be hurled way up into the sky by performing a "superjump", occasionally reaching the skybox, very rarely even getting stuck up there.

All Creatures have their individual resistances and specific vulnerabilities, even against certain Weapon tiers.

Corrupted Creatures are immune to Corruption, but vulnerable against Mineral Water, Purification Bombs and Healing Beacons that will heal all other Creatures and player characters.

Most other Creatures (than corrupted ones) are usually vulnerable to Corruption, except for some event Creatures. Warmworms, BossHogs, Shrewdshrews and Hot Feet are immune to heat as well as to burning damage, while Rambeaus, Arctic Mirus and Blizzard Chizzards are immune to cold and freezing damage.

Please note that Creatures will not spawn in areas illuminated by artificial lightings (even in broad daylight), but they still cannot be hurt by Flares nor by any artificial light from torches or lamps after they have spawned, not even Night Creatures and other sunlight sensitive Creatures. So it's possible that Underground Creatures can spawn in dark caves and then wander or even glitch upwards into areas that are well-lit.

Moreover, not all underground Creatures are sunlight sensitive, only Mirus and Hot Feet additionally to all "Night Creatures" that can sometimes also be encountered underground (mainly Night Pigsies and Night Rocksters). Corrupted Creatures and Warmworms can withstand sunlight just fine, even though they can only spawn in darkness initially. If you build something from any type of Corrupted Blocks or Lava layer blocks without placing artificial luminaires in order to illuminate all of these blocks, Corrupted Creatures respectively Lava layer Creatures will spawn there at night.

Creatures can walk into Teleporters to then be teleported to the destination (like into a "fighting arena" or even an automatic "kill-trap" filled with liquid that has been prepared beforehand), but they might vanish if the destination teleporter is too far away from the position of player characters. Creatures can be pushed around by Fans a little too, but this unfortunately doesn't work like intended every time. Ice Slopes that are slippery for player characters aren't necessarily slippery for Creatures as well.

Since update R44 in June 2017, Creatures might retreat further away if you hit them from a place where they cannot reach your player character. However in some cases they might freeze instead and such can be killed safely. You can just try it for yourself. For example, you could climb up ladders and try to position yourself carefully, so you might just be able to hit Creatures without being hit back by them.

You can also try creating a gap that Creatures cannot cross and fight Creatures across it after luring them there. For example, you can try digging a trench that is 3 blocks deep and 1 block in width in a "circle" around a platform where you can stand on (at least 4 blocks so you can step back if necessary) and with steps or ladders placed into the trench in case you should fall down.

Just make sure that your ladders cannot be used as bridges for Creatures to get to you and that you do not cut steps into your own "safety" platform that Creatures could then climb.

Or you can try building a platform that floats at least 3-4 blocks above the ground. Most Creatures won't be able to hit your player-character up there except for a few that have a long reach. Then you can build "stairs" leading up to such a platform, but you should leave a gap of at least 1 block between the upper end of the stairs and the platform.

For ranged combat you should prefer Armor-Piercing Bombs, they are the most effective - except against Ghost Creatures (they take exactly 3 hits from any weapon or any Explosive) as well as for some Idol Event Creatures and Trog Trap Event Creatures. Idol Event Creatures are best killed with Poison Bombs, Target Arctic Mirus can only be killed with Snowcubes and won't react to any common Weapon or Explosive. Other than that, Explosive Bombs, Poison Bombs and Rimecones will also do - in this order. Vlad-a-Rangs and Shur-Ice-ns are great ranged weapons mainly because they will fly in a straight line without a trajectory, making it much easier to aim.

Creatures do not always drop Loot Bags[]

Please note that Creatures won't drop any Loot Bags when they despawn (as soon as all player characters leave the area for a while) or if they are killed from burning in sunlight - which of course only applies to sunlight-sensitive Creatures: Night Pigsies, Night Hoglets, Night Leafies, Night Twiggies, Night Rocksters, Night Chizzards, Mirus, Arctic Mirus and Hot Feet.

Also, seasonal Event Creatures that can be summoned, like Idol Event Creatures and Trog Trap Event Creatures will not always drop loot bags (except for Soulkeepas). And of course, as mentioned above, Creatures that are spawned by using a Mob Spawner will never drop loot by themselves, but only if players provide this loot beforehand via Mob Spawner inventory window.


Quests that ask of you to kill Creatures:

Mushroom For Error[]

Branching Out[]

Pig Up The Pace[]

  • Badge: Ruffian
  • Unlocked by: completing the quest "Branching Out"
  • Objective: defeat 10 common yellow daylight Pigsies anywhere with a melee Weapon and/or Explosives - they spawn during the day on nearly all surface Biomes and also on artificial Biomes made from natural blocks like common green Grass. Other variants of Pigsies like Night Pigsies will not count. Also Creatures spawned with a Mob Spawner won't do for this quest.
  • Rewards: 20 pieces of Leather and 10 Bones
  • Unlocks: quest "Let's Go To The Beach"

Let's Go To The Beach[]

Obsidian Dreams[]

Iron Will[]

Who Turned Off The A/C?[]

Diamond in the Rough[]

Purple Haze[]

Lumite's Might[]

Who's The Chicken?[]

Hot Headed[]

In Too Deep[]

Leaf It To Me[]

Best Served Cold[]

The Night's Watch[]

Things That Go Bump[]

Hogging The Glory[]

Anything You Canyon Do...[]

Let Your Lava Flow[]

Power Corrupts[]

It Was Nothing[]

Oooh, Shiny![]

Quests that ask of you to tame Creatures:


  • Badge: Homesteader
  • Unlocked by: completing the quest "Dirt-y Jobs"
  • Objectives:
    • tame a common yellow daylight Pigsy with a Taming Collar - equip the collar, stun the Pigsy with Stun Bombs and try to hold the left mouse button while aiming with the cursor at the Pigsy for 5 seconds. Even before the Pigsy ducks and waves its tail, you should use another Stun Bomb to prevent getting thrown in the air which would interrupt the taming process
    • feed a yellow Pigsy Pet as long as it is hungry (showing Food in its thought bubble and Pet window), preferably with its exact favorite Food type as shown in the Pet window when activating your pet (right mouse button or "f" as the default key). If you feed your Pets anything else than their favorite Food, for example a simple brown Mushroom or the wrong type of Bread or Pie, the pet harvest might be disappointingly less
    • wait a few minutes after feeding, then you can harvest from your Pet by pulling with the gauntlet and holding the right mouse button like when picking up any block, plant or object. As mentioned, Pigsy Droppings (a pet-harvest only, not obtainable as loot after killing) might only be part of the pet-harvest if the Pigsy has been fed its favorite Food
  • Rewards: 10 Lettuce Seeds, 20 Wheat oars and 20 more Pigsy Droppings usable as optional fertilizer on Seeds, tree Saplings and/or Seedlings (first growth stage of Seeds)

Fall For You[]

  • Badge: Rancher
  • unlocked by completing another quest
  • Objectives:
    • Tame an Autumn Leafi by equipping a Taming Collar, readying it and pointing it at an Autumn Leafi (that spawns in Forests next to autumnally colored Autumnwood trees during the day) for 5 seconds. This Leafi variant will defend itself as soon as you attempt to tame it, but not overly fiercely.
      Tips for taming: you might either want to use Stun Bombs in order to prevent the taming process from being interrupted by being hit, or you could build a trap. Simply build a small closed-up vertical box with a destination teleporter on top of the hollow inside that does not even have to be larger than a shaft of only 1 block in width.
      The bottom of teleporters is not solid for Creatures, it will let Creatures fall downwards through it as soon as they are teleported in. So if you lure a Creature into a departure teleporter (not too far from the trap) with the same upper code as the destination teleporter's lower code, they will fall into the trap.
      Best use fences, rotated slabs or any type of blocks that have small holes in them as the bottom of the trap. You can then stand below the trap and safely tame the Creature through the fences or holes of the bottom of the trap. Creatures can hit you through small holes if you stand on the other side, but not if you stand right below them.
  • Rewards: 20 Citrus Autumnwood Leaves, 20 Autumnwood Flowers and 1 Pet Washer
  • Unlocks: quest "Who's the Boss?"

Who's the Boss?[]

  • Badge: Rancher
  • Unlocked by: completing the quest "Fall for you"
  • Objectives:
    • Tame a BossHog by equipping a Taming Collar, readying it and pointing it at a reluctantly aggressive BossHog (that spawns in Savannah biomes during day and night) for 15 seconds.
      The use of Stun Bombs or even better a trap (like described in the quest hints for "Fall for you") is highly recommended, since BossHogs can easily interrupt the taming process by pushing player characters high up and backwards. To prevent your character from being flung up, you can try standing in (shallow) water or any other liquid.
    • Wash a BossHog Pet with the Washer after harvesting.
      After taming a BossHog, you will first have to feed it when it's hungry and displays the food icon in its thought bubble and Pet window (right-click while pointing your cursor at the Pet per default). It's always recommendable to feed your Pets their exact (!) favorite type of Food as shown in their Pet window. Only then they will provide you with their best harvest.
      Pets will need a few minutes to digest the food, then the thought bubble and Pet window will display an ArcTek Gauntlet (or rather a Mining Cell). Now you can "pull" the Pets (left mouse button by default) like you would mine/pick up any block.
      Afterwards, all Pets need a good cleaning before they can get hungry again. Some Pets like BossHogs even appear dirty very visibly. Equip a Washer, point it at the Pet and hold the left mouse button (by default) for 3 seconds until the bar has filled.
  • Rewards: 20 BossHog Tusks, 20 Pigsy Droppings and 20 Melon Sandwiches
  • Unlocks: quest "Ring the Bell, DeVoe"

Ring the Bell, DeVoe[]

A Rocky Relationship[]

  • Badge: Rancher
  • Unlocked by: completing the quest "Ring the Bell, DeVoe"
  • Objectives:
    • Tame a Trog by equipping a Taming Collar, readying it and pointing it at an aggressive Trog (that spawns in Canyon biomes during the day) for 5 seconds.
      The use of Stun Bombs or even better a trap (like described in the quest hints for "Fall for you") is highly recommended, since Trogs have a long reach and can strongly push your player character backwards. Standing in Water or any other liquid might prevent from being pushed.
    • Tame a Dustevil by equipping a Taming Collar, readying it and pointing it at an aggressive Dustevils (that spawns in Canyon biomes during the day) for 5 seconds.
      The use of Stun Bombs or even better a trap (like described in the quest hints for "Fall for you") is highly recommended, since Dustevils can hurl your player character really high up in the air. Standing in Water or any other liquid might prevent your player character from being pushed.
  • Rewards: 20 Trog Horns, 20x Dustevil Dust and 20 Stun Bombs
  • Unlocks: quest "Ice To Meet You"

Ice To Meet You[]

  • Badge: Rancher
  • Unlocked by: completing the quest "A Rocky Relationship"
  • Objectives:
    • Tame an Arctic Miru by equipping a Taming Collar, readying it and pointing it at an aggressive Arctic Miru (that spawns on Snow, Ice and Peakstone in biomes like Frozen Oceans, Frozen Deserts, Taigas, snowy Tundras, snowy Mountains or (rarely) snowy Canyons during the night or in complete darkness) for 7,5 seconds.
      The use of Stun Bombs or even better a trap (like described in the quest hints for "Fall for you") is recommended, since Arctic Mirus can use a blinding attack that will usually interrupt the taming process.
    • Tame a Blizzard Chizzard by equipping a Taming Collar, readying it and pointing it at a defensive Blizzard Chizzard (that spawns on Snow and Ice in cold biomes like Frozen Oceans, Frozen Deserts, Taigas, snowy Tundras, snowy Mountains or (rarely) snowy Canyons during the day) for 5 seconds.
      The use of Stun Bombs or even better a trap (like described in the quest hints for "Fall for you") is recommended, since Blizzard Chizzards cannot only deal cold damage over time, they can also push your player character away. Even as soon as they just start to use their dive attack, the taming process is often already interrupted.
    • Build an Ice Home with 50 Ice blocks. You can collect Ice from Frozen Oceans (there's usually a layer of thin flat Snow on top), or from frozen rivers in many cold biomes, or you can simply place units of Water or Bog Water into cold biomes high up, like on the top of snow-covered Mountains so that the liquid will freeze to Ice. Actually, you do not really have to build a house-like structure at all, you can simply place the 50 blocks of Ice wherever and however you like, and it might even be possible to place just one block of Ice 50 times...
  • Rewards: 20 Arctic Miru Eyes, 20 Blizzard Chizzard Gizzards and 20 Freeze Resistance Potions
  • Unlocks: quest "Burning For You"

Burning For You[]

Slumber Party[]

  • Badge: Rancher
  • Unlocked by: completing the quest "Burning For You"
  • Objectives:
    • Tame a Night Chizzard by equipping a Taming Collar, readying it and pointing it at an aggressive Night Chizzard (that spawns on Shores, around Wildwood trees in Jungles and in Tundras only at night in dark areas) for 7,5 seconds.
      The use of Stun Bombs or even better a trap (like described in the quest hints for "Fall for you") is recommended, since Night Chizzards will use a dive attack frequently, and even as soon as they start to fly up, the taming process is often already interrupted.
    • Tame a Night Pigsy by equipping a Taming Collar, readying it and pointing it at an aggressive Night Pigsy (that spawns in many biomes like Forests, Grasslands, Swamplands, Woodlands, Savannahs, Canyons or snowless Tundras in dark areas at night, but also during the day in the darkness of Caves in the Fossil layer and Stalactite layer not far underground) for 7,5 seconds.
      The use of Stun Bombs or even better a trap (like described in the quest hints for "Fall for you") is recommended, since Night Pigsies can push your player character backwards and upwards, which will interrupt the taming process.
    • Tame a Night Rockster by equipping a Taming Collar, readying it and pointing it at an aggressive Night Rockster (that spawns on Shores at night in dark areas, but also during the day in the darkness of Caves in the Fossil layer and Stalactite layer not far underground) for 7,5 seconds.
      The use of Stun Bombs or even better a trap (like described in the quest hints for "Fall for you") is recommended, since the spin attack of Night Rocksters will push your player character backwards, which will interrupt the taming process.
    • Place 10 LEDs for your Night Club. First unlock the crafting recipe for LEDs by crafting or obtaining Wood Burning Lamps, crafting a Wiring Tool, and crafting at least one Switch. Then craft 2 LEDs at a time with 4 Stone Slabs, 2x Coal and 4 Glass blocks. You can place one LED, pick it up again and repeat it 10 times in total.
  • Rewards: 20 Arcstones, 1 placeable Diamond Treasure Chest, 1 Red Party Hat, 1 Yellow Party Hat and 1 Blue Party Hat
  • Unlocks: quest "Thing 1 & Thing 2"

Thing 1 & Thing 2[]


  • Badge: Rancher
  • Unlocked by: completing the quest "Thing 1 & Thing 2"
  • Objectives:
    • Place 30 Obsidian Brick Walls. Or place even more to be safe - in the shape of a thin flat plane.
    • Place 10 Sand Blocks. Actually, tests have shown that Sand blocks by themselves will NOT make Rockzilla spawn, instead Seashells can help with summoning Rockzilla. Seashells will spawn over time on blocks of Sand, albeit slowly. In order to summon Rockzilla faster, you might rather want to place 10-20 blocks of either Corals, Shorewood, Shorewood Husk, Shorewood Leaves, Driftwood or Seashells that you have collected yourself from Shores. And of course you'll have to place them adjacently to the Obsidian Brick Walls, not somewhere far away.
    • Place 5 Torches. The quest reacts to Coal Torches. Better place 10 of them and place them either directly on the Obsidian Brick Walls, or at least adjacent to these blocks. However, you can use nearly any crafted luminaires in order to "summon" Rockzilla.
    • Wait for Rockzilla to spawn and tame it. Please note that Rockzilla will not spawn at night and not all biomes/areas seem to be suitable for Rockzilla. Also, do not build Rockzilla's altar too close to your touchstone. Don't stay in the area, but walk a few biomes further away, use a bed to let the next day spawn before you return. Try it once again a lot later - do not visit and re-visit the altar too often. If Rockzilla does not spawn within a reasonable timespan, try building an altar somewhere else. In some areas, it might take really long - maybe even a full RL day - until the giant crab spawns, in other areas it might spawn after building the altar, leaving the area and returning right away...
  • Rewards: 3 Diamond Treasure Chests and 1 Lumite Mining Cell
  • Unlocks: Rancher Badge that will reduce the timespan for taming drastically for all tameable Creatures