Basic Information[]
Dark Stucco Windows are flat building elements that look like windows consisting of a smooth maroon frame with slightly darker corners and a murky transparent glass panel within.
How to obtain[]
Currently these windows cannot be found in Treasure Chests nor obtained from any Creatures.
Dark Stucco Windows can be crafted in your Crafting Menu (opened by typing "Q" as the default key), after the according crafting-recipe has been unlocked.
Unlocking the crafting recipe[]
The crafting recipe for Dark Stucco Windows is unlocked by:
- obtaining wine-red Dark Canyonstone that can be mined in Canyon biomes, which requires at least a Stone Mining Cell or better to be equipped
- crafting (or taking) Dark Stucco Walls, which in turn are unlocked after crafting Stucco Walls
- crafting (or taking) Stone Windows from Stone Rods, Stone Slabs and Glass made from Sand in a Forge
Crafting Dark Stucco Windows[]
To craft 4 Dark Stucco Windows at once, you'll need:
- 1 (block of) Glass made by putting Sand into a Forge together with some Fuel
- 2 Stone Rods made of Stone, Limestone or Bedrock in a Processor
- 2 (blocks of) wine-red Dark Canyonstone that can be mined in Canyon Biomes with at least a Stone Mining Cell equipped
How to use Dark Stucco Windows[]
Dark Stucco Windows can be placed into the game-world for building purposes, for example into a wall or ceiling.
Since update R44 in June 2017 windows can be fully rotated by pressing and holding R and moving the mouse while holding the left mouse button. The chosen rotation angle can then be "locked" too by simply typing "r" while pointing the cursor at the rotated example, so that all items of the same stack will then face the same direction when being placed.
Just like all other windows they will auto-connect to adjacent windows placed right beside them with the same rotation, but not around corners and not with different types of windows.
Different from doors, windows cannot be wired, opened nor locked.
Since update R32 you won't need to equip any Power Cells to pick up windows that have been placed into the world. Of course you won't be able to take such items on claims of other players (or in worlds) where your permission level is set low.