Basic information[]
The Better Home Range looks like a white range with a grey stovetop. The door of the oven opens when the range is aimed at. It is part of the Even Better Home Bundle.
The Better Home Range functions as a Cooking Station, so it can be used to cook a wide variety of Food with different effects. See the Cooking Station article for details on cooking food.
How to obtain[]
Better Home Ranges can be crafted in your Crafting Menu (to be opened by pressing "q" as the default key), but only after the according crafting recipe has been unlocked by buying the Even Better Home Bundle from the Store.
Like all other placeable items, you can also obtain Better Home Ranges by buying a building kit for a Blueprint that contains Better Home Ranges.
How to unlock the crafting recipe[]
The crafting recipe for the Better Home Range can be unlocked by buying the Even Better Home Bundle from the Store. There is no other way to obtain the recipe.
How to craft[]
To craft one Better Home Range, you'll need:
- 2 Stone Slabs made in the Processor from Limestone, Stone or Bedrock
- 1 Glass Slab made in the Processor from Glass
- 2 Obsidians made in the Forge from Obsidian Ore
- 1 Coal extracted from Coal Nodes with Extractors, found in Treasure Chests (except Obsidian Treasure Chest), or obtained as loot or pet harvest from Keepas
How to use[]
Better Home Ranges can be placed into the game world for building purposes by putting (a stack of) them into your quickbar, selecting the according quickslot and clicking the right mouse button while pointing at a spot in the game world with your cursor.
After placing a Better Home Range in the world, you can cook food by pointing your cursor at it, and clicking your right mouse button or type "f" as the default key while looking at the Better Home Range. This will open up the cooking UI, identical to the one in an ordinary Cooking Station - please refer to that article for details on how to cook Food.
Like most other placeable items, Better Home Ranges can be rotated into all directions by pressing and holding R and then pointing the mouse cursor at the block and moving the mouse while holding the left mouse button.
The chosen rotation angle can be "locked" too by simply typing "r" while looking at an already rotated object or block; then all items of the same stack in the selected quickslot will automatically be facing the same direction when being placed.
Like most other placeable blocks, Better Home Ranges can be painted, with the primary color influencing the color of the white parts of the range and the oven door, and the secondary color influencing the color of the inside of the oven, the oven handle and the stovetop. They can also be put into displays, where they will be shown at a reduced size.
You won't need any Power Cells (Mining Cell) to pick up Better Home Ranges that have been placed into the game world. However, you cannot pick up Better Home Ranges if they have finished items inside. Of course you won't be able to pick up such objects on game worlds, on player claims or in Adventures where your Permission rank is not sufficient (mainly when you are merely a visitor), which can only be changed by the owner of the game world, claim owner or Adventure creator.
Permission settings and Transfer history[]
You can change permission settings for each Crafting Station individually by clicking on the padlock-icon in the top right corner after activating/opening it. Here you can set individual authorizations to control who will be permitted to access this Crafting Station and its content.
Available permission-settings on a game-world are: "just me", "world owner/admins", "world mods", "world builders" or "everyone". And on player claims: "just me", "claim admins", "claim interact only", "claim builders" and "everyone".
Since update R40 all Crafting Stations are set to "builders" by default when being placed. So only players with builder rights/permission rank can access your Wood Planters after you have placed them. This holds true either on your claim if you have placed the Crafting Station there, or otherwise on the game-world. Claim permission ranks override world permission ranks.
If the permission is set to "everyone", then even visitors can access the Crafting Station and can even take it away. By setting the permission level of your Crafting Station to "claim interact only", visitors can use the Crafting Station (and take materials out), but cannot take the Crafting Station itself away. You can set the permission level of your Crafting Station to "just me" to protect it. However please note that owners, admins and mods of the game-world can still access your stuff under certain circumstances. For more details, please refer to the article Permissions.
By clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner after activating/opening the Crafting Station, you can view its Transfer History that lists all filling and removal actions with the according player names and time of their access to the content of this container (slot).
Crafting Stations cannot be destroyed by TNT-type Explosives nor by Excavators of any kind. Crafting Stations also cannot be wired currently, so they cannot be "locked" nor activated/deactivated from a distance.