The Adobe Wall is a greyish smooth building-block that looks the exact same on all 6 sides that you can craft in your Crafting Menu (default key "q"), but only after the according crafting recipe has been unlocked by
- crafting an Obsidian Mining Cell (or finding one in an Iron Treasure Chest)
- mining Canyonstone from high up in Canyon-biomes, which requires at least a Stone Mining Cell or stronger Power Cell to be equipped and
- creating Adobe Bricks by putting blocks of Mud (found in riverbeds or all over the Stalactite layer underground) into a Forge
To craft 8 (blocks of) Adobe Walls, you'll need (as of R43 in May 2017):
- 1 Stone Rod made of Stone, Limestone or Bedrock in a Processor
- 1x Melted Wax made of Beeswax in a Forge, or looted from Wood Treasure Chests on the surface at night or Stone Treasure Chests on the Fossil layer
- 2 Adobe Bricks, made from Mud in a Forge
- 4 blocks of either Dark Canyonstone or Ruddy Canyonstone or Canyonstone, which requires at least a Stone Mining Cell to be equipped in any case
Blocks of Adobe Wall can be put into a Processor to be cut into either 2 Adobe Slabs or into 2 Adobe Slopes each. No crafting recipe is required for this. Adobe Slabs can then be crafted into Adobe Stairs. Adobe Slopes can be processed further into inner and outer roof corners in a Processor.