Creativerse Wiki
Creativerse tooltips roofs 2017-06-09 14-41-33-502
Creativerse processing slopes 2017-06-09 15-58-27-505
Creativerse Adobe Slopes001
Creativerse processing corners roofs 2017-05-25 00-25-40-59
Creativerse inner and outer corners roofs 2017-05-25 01-06-59-98
Creativerse 2017-05-17 01-41-50-64 crafting recipes R41,5 blocks

Adobe Slopes were introduced with update R36 on November 15th 2016.

2 of these Slopes can be made in a Processor from one block of Adobe Wall each. No crafting recipe has to be unlocked for that.

The crafting recipe for Adobe Wall is unlocked by creating Adobe Bricks from Mud in a Forge, crafting (or finding) an Obsidian Mining Cell (after crafting/finding Stone Mining Cells), and collecting caramel-colored Canyonstone from high up in Canyon-biomes which requires a Stone Mining Cell or better.

8 Adobe Walls each can then be crafted with 2 (blocks of) Adobe Bricks, 4 blocks of any kind of Canyonstone (like Ruddy Canyonstone, Dark Canyonstone or the rather rare caramel-colored Canyonstone), plus 1 Stone Rod made of Stone, Limestone or Bedrock in a Processor and 1x Melted Wax made of Beeswax in a Forge or found in Treasure Chests.

Since R43 in May 2017, inner and outer corners blocks can be created for Adobe Slopes too by putting them into a Processor. No crafting recipes are required for this.
