Adobe Bricks are cubic building blocks that look like they were made of small pale red bricks.
You will not need to unlock any crafting-recipe to make these blocks. Instead, Adobe Bricks can be obtained by simply putting Mud into a Forge together with some Fuel to harden 1 Block of Mud into 4 Adobe Bricks each.
Adobe Bricks can either be placed as they are like any other Building Block, but can also be used as a material to craft more refined Adobe Building Blocks.
Crafting or taking Adobe Bricks is one of the unlocking requirements of the Recipe for Flower Pots.
You can find Mud all over the Stalactite Layer underground, but also as a Lakebed and Riverbed on the surface of any Creativerse gameworld.
Presently, collecting / pulling Mud does not require any Power Cells to be equipped anymore.
Adobe bricks are used in a number of crafting-recipes:
Adobe Wall - the crafting-recipe for this block is unlocked by obtaining Mud)
Blue Adobe Wall - unlocked by finding a rare Recipe in a Treasure Chest or obtained from the Thing
Red Adobe Wall - unlocked by finding a rare Recipe in a Treasure Chest or obtained from the Thing
Yellow Adobe Wall - unlocked by finding a rare Recipe in a Treasure Chest or obtained from the Thing
Blue Adobe Floor - unlocked by finding a rare Recipe in a Treasure Chest or obtained from the Thing
Red Adobe Floor - unlocked by finding a rare Recipe in a Treasure Chest or obtained from the Thing
Yellow Adobe Floor - unlocked by finding a rare Recipe in a Treasure Chest or obtained from the Thing
Blue Adobe Roof - unlocked by finding a rare Recipe in a Treasure Chest or obtained from the Thing
Red Adobe Roof - unlocked by finding a rare Recipe in a Treasure Chest or obtained from the Thing
Yellow Adobe Roof - unlocked by finding a rare Recipe in a Treasure Chest or obtained from the Thing
Blue Mosaic Tile Wall - unlocked by finding a rare Recipe in a Treasure Chest or obtained from the Thing
Red Mosaic Tile Wall - unlocked by finding a rare Recipe in a Treasure Chest or obtained from the Thing
Yellow Mosaic Tile Wall - unlocked by finding a rare Recipe in a Treasure Chest or obtained from the Thing